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Serious things you argue about.

You argue about him not telling you when he's coming home
R: I don't see what the big deal is??
Y/n: you always say "ill be home by 9 pm" but look at the fucking time rami! It's one am
R: I don't get why you are being so overdramatic about it, seriously!
Y/n: BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU RAMI, when you come home four hours late id be worried. Wouldn't you be worried?
Y/n: fuck you, you can sleep on the sofa tonight~
(oooooh rami fucked up boi)

You cheated on him with joe (oh boy)
Y/n: I told you I'm sorry!
B: you cheated on me with my best fucking friend
Y/n: it was a mistake! We were drinking, I got horny and you were talking to gwil and rami, I didn't want to interrupt
B: so you went to the bathroom and fucked joe?
Y/n: I'm sorry
B: so much for being loyal

Joe has been drinking too much lately
Y/n: joe, please just take a break for a week
J: why, it's not like I'm going to die
Y/n: you don't know that!
J: babe in fine
Y/n: you always say that! Then next thing you know you are dealing with the police
J: honey, I'm not kidding, I'm fine ok
Y/n: how do you know!
J: because I haven't done anything bad
Y/n: YET!
J: calm down
Y/n: NO! Ok, I'm worried about you!
J: I promise you, I'll be alright
Y/n: fine, whatever

He thinks you are cheating on him
G: hey honey
Y/n: hey, what's up?
G: can we talk for a minute
Y/n: totally
G: um, I wanted to know...
Y/n: yeahhhh????
G: umm- heh- are you cheating on me?
Y/n: what? No! Why would you think that?
G: I don't k ow it's just, you have been spending a lot of time with your guy friends and I feel like somethings going on that I don't know about.
Y/n: that ridiculous, they are just friends and you know that
G: yeah but you never hang out with me ass much anymore.
Y/n: I get that but I have a lot of work that needs to get done and at the end of the day I just wanna have some fun
G: yeah Yeah whatever *sigh*

A/n: I hate writing about fights :((((
Also, I have two new books coming out, there is a rami fanfic and a joe fanfic :D

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