Chapter 1

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Myself and my family had been in Canada for over a week, for my fathers new job. I had finally been able to go on my mountain bike.

I had just cut through the nearby forest, when I felt eyes on me in the dark green forest, I slowly turned my face towards a shape of a man slowly coming out of the forest, which was a very bad idea, because the next minute I knew I had cycled right into a pine tree and blacked out.

When I came too, I found myself on a nice comfy cream sofa, looking up at the chandelier on the cream ceiling. I slowly turned my face, to my right and there sitting in a Victorian style chair was a greying, black short hair and in a doctors uniform. He was looking at a clipboard that he had in his right hand, after awhile of looking at him, he asked whilst putting down the clipboard on the edge of one of the armchairs "I see that my patient is awake. What do you think of me?"

I was about to say something, when I heard the door behind me bang, which made me jump and wince from the pain in my head and right leg. I heard light footsteps, walk around the sofa and then in my sight, I saw a greying blond, haired lady,in a pink apron, carrying a tray of little sandwiches. When she saw that I was awake, I big smile appeared on her face, she said whilst the doctor went to get a side table for the tray "we are all so glad that you are awake. To be quite honest, we didn't think you would live. The A......" she was interrupted when the doctor cleared his throat and asked seriously "wife, may I talk to you in private?" The woman turned to face him and said "of course, how silly of me to forget" then turned to face me and said lovingly "when you feel a bit better, there are some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, for you. We will leave you alone know." And with that I was alone in the room, with a plate of sandwiches.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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