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        3 Months Later

        Christmas break came and left, I didn't get to see Link the entire 2 weeks, we called as often as we could. Everyday Link sang me to sleep, alway sticking to Honey and the Bee. I loved him more than anyone else, he was so perfect. When my Star Lilies started to die my mom helped me to dry them out so that they wouldn't rot and I could keep them forever. I kept them on the same spot on my desk, so that I could always remember my perfect fourteenth birthday. Soon January came. Winter was chilly that year but there was only a couple inches of snow. I usually wore a light winter coat, a scarf, and mittens to school. I usually biked or walked to and from school, I was technically supposed to ride the bus but I didn't really care, the school was less than a mile away from my house, most kids walked to school anyway. The downside of walking to school was that I passed Jack everyday. I started to hate him more and more.

        I wolfed down my breakfast and put on my winter gear, slinging my backpack over my shoulders. I mentally reviewed all the homework I had been assigned the night before to make I hadn't forgotten anything. I locked up the house before leaving and did the grandpa shuffle on the ice-covered sidewalk. I noticed Jack, he was about 10 feet behind me. I quickly turned my head to look at him. His face was green and he had dark circles under his eyes. Jack's steps were swayed, he had a cigarette lit between his teeth. Even from such a far distance I could smell the alcohol. I could always smell it when I was around him but it had never been this strong. My breathing started to get faster, I had never seen him this drunk. I was scared what he might do. I usually got a push or a shove when Jack passed me on the way school but I was unprepared for the event that came next.

        Jack noticed me and started to walk faster and faster toward me, soon he was running. My legs froze, too terrified to move. I started to tense. Jack caught up with me.

        "What the h*** are you doing on my sidewalk Lamont!"

        "I a-always walk-k on this s-sidewalk to school J-jack." I replied, fear trembling my words.

        "Don't backtalk to me!" He yelled.

        Jack threw a fist at my face, I fell to the ground. He wrapped his hands around my neck and lifted me off of the ground. He was muscular and tall, I was skinny and short. To him, I was an insect. I gasped for air but he was choking me far too hard. I swung my legs back and forthe, trying to loosen his grip, but it was too strong. I started to panic, I knew that I would pass out soon. What if Jack didn't stop choking me when I passed out, what if he killed me!? I swung my leg and kicked him in a very sensitive part with all my might. He let me drop to the ground, holding his groin. I immediately started to run to my house, too scared to stop for air. I heard Jack scream then start to follow me. I ran as fast as I could. When I came to the door I threw it open and came in. I made sure that every door was bolted and locked. I ran upstairs to my bedroom and locked the door. My breathing started to return to normal, but then I heard Jack screaming.

        "COME OUT LAMONT!"

        I started to panic once again.


        I heard huge noises coming from down stairs. He was throwing rocks at the house. I started to cry, I had never been so terrified. I pulled out my phone and called the first person I could think of, Link.

        The phone rang.

        He didn't pick up.

        More bangs came from downstairs.

        I called Link again.

        The phone rang.

        He didn't pick up.

        The bangs became louder.


        I felt a panic attack coming on, I had never expirienced one before.

        I called Link a third time.

        The phone rang.

        He picked up.

Memories ~ A Rhett and Link fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang