Being the first girl there

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I just got to say it is boiling in majorca good job I got my factor 50 on . The black BMW brought me outside the entrance of love island villa . Just looking at this place from the outside is mouth dropping . I got my suitcase sorry my personalized love island suitcase out of the boot and started heading in "thank you." I mean the driver was partly the reason I'm here . I went inside and it was lovely bright colours like yellow pink and blue mostly . I went to my left where im assuming where all the couples sleep it was beautiful . The beds look so comfy . It was absolutely silent accept the fact I could hear all the birds so I know I'm the only one here . I go into the dressing rooms is already filled with make up and after shave . The bathrooms are so clean . "Im just gonna put my suitcase here." Before I put my suitcase down I heard heavy footsteps . Sounded like heels to me . "Hello I can smell someone's beautiful perfume ." The voice said . I came out of the dressing room to find a stunning girl with curly blond hair . "Hii!" I said . "Hi omg you look amazing ." She said while cheek kissing me . "I'm Lucy ." She said . "I'm Kyla." I smiled . I helped Lucy bring her suitcase in the dressing room . "This place is beautiful don't you think ." She said out of breath. "Yeah we still need to explore outside ." . I said . "Let's go pop open some wine ." . Me and Lucy headed outside the villa there was a massive pool loads of sun beds and outside beds . "This is a dream ." I said . Lucy nodded "its absolutely amazing." We got the the mini kitchen and got 2 glasses out Lucy poured us wine . "Cheers." "Cheers."

"So what do you do as a job ?" Lucy asked . "I'm a vet." I said . Lucy's face scrunched up . "Omg that's so cute you get to work with animals. ." "What about you" I asked. "I'm a surfer . Great sliding on them waved." She laughed . "Wondered where all the muscle came from " I smiled . And just then we heard two pairs of heels walking this way . "Hi girls " "hiya" . Two girls said . "Hii!" Me and Lucy shouted . "Omg this place is gorg. My names Anna." "Hi Anna." I said . "My names Amber." She said . "Hello." I said . "Who was the first one here ?" Amber asked . "Me ." I said . "It's amazing isn't it ." Amber said I agreed . I grabbed 2 more glasses for Anna and Amber . "Wine girls? " I asked . They came over "your very pretty." Anna said . "Aww thank you . I'm Kyla ." "Hmm Kyla unique name." Amber said . "Yup".
My first impressions of everyone so far . I've got a feeling me and Lucy are gonna be best mates. Anna seems really nice so does Amber . Amber seems like the stubborn one round here .

"Girls." Two new islanders arrive as well . "Hi girls I'm yawande ." "Hi I'm Amy. "Hi!" I grabbed another 2 glasses for Amy and yawande . "Thank you . What's your name." She laughed . "Oh sorry it's Kyla . ." "Thank you Kyla." "No problem . Amy do you want some wine .?" I asked her . "Yes please love ." Any and yawande looked so nice and friendly especially yawande . "You all look stunning ." Yewende said. While I were making wine yewende , amy, Anna , Amber and lucie were all talking." "Us 4 should put our suitcases somewhere. " Amber said . "We are just gonna put out suitcases in dressing room ." Anna said . "Alright." Lucie said . Anna , Amy , Amber and Yewende went to the dressing room . "Do you want me to show you where it is ." Lucie asked . "I think we can find it ." Amber said. "What are you looking forward to in love island ?" Lucie asked me . "The boys of corse ." I laughed . They all came back . "Yewande just jumped on the beds and then she had to make it up again." Amy laughed . "What I felt like if ." I heard footsteps of another girl . "Surely there can't be more girls ?" Amber said . Here came the head of love island . "Hello girls looking fabulous tonight ." She said "are we all ready to find love and crack on." She said we all shouted yes. "What's gonna happen next is you'll all line up and the boys will enter . When each boy stands up you step forward if you like him . If you don't stay where you are . The boy will then choose who to date if your stood infront." She explained . We all got in a line my heart were racing . I was so ready to see the boys .

Here comes the first boy....

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