
31 0 0

After that, the medic and the heavy go to the battlefield...They realize is 300 vs 2.
in the medical maladies chapter we saw how the midic is, so we can define his personality or other characteristics that he has.
-medic, you are sure this is gonna function?!?! -says the heavy taking vover behind of a wall-
-i have no idea!!! -says the medic happyly-
Medic uses hus ubercharger gun to heal/make people bullet proof (for 30 seconds) Before that, he has to charge his ubercharge.
How? Simply, heal people or use your vitasaw to have a 25% chance when u die to have a 64% charged ubercharge, lets continue.
-lets try!! {medic ubercharges heavy}
-i feel good! {heavy now is bulletproof}
-i am bullet proof!!! {heavy starts shooting at the blu soldiers}
-ha ha ha! this functions!! die dummkopfs!! die!!!
We all know medic is simply going mad so...thats the result of giving him medical lisense.
But he lost it and now he works here.
- {scout enters in action} wehehe!! {scout gets hitted by 1 rocket then he looses his legs}
And we now can say this...
-Medic! -says the scout-

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