cloudy paintings

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"This is so boring." Thought a 14-year-old Rohan Kishibe.

His Grandmother had sent him to a summer camp of arts and crafts. He didn't mind going at first, it meant he got to get away from his Grandmother's strict rules, but at the same time everything was just so boring.

Everyone around his age was cramped together in a room painting on canvases. Rohan didn't dislike painting, nor did he like it. Let's just say he... wasn't the best at it. He excels in drawing if anything, he's been doing so for as long as he can remember. Painting was just another form of art to him that he couldn't completely wrap his head around. Sure they looked pretty. He could see the skill in them, but he didn't feel anything from them. There are only a few dozen out of the millions of paintings in this world he has respect for and is respected by many as well. But the paintings from the kids in this camp are really dull.

He could tell from the emotionless expressions from his camp buddies that they weren't enjoying painting too. Rohan turned his head around, everyone was painting with skill and precision. Some creased their brow when they made a mistake and others just looked flat out bored. Rohan looked back at his own canvas. He frowned at the almost-done painting. They were clouds, simple enough for him to paint, he looked out the windows for reference. He wanted to paint something that conveyed how the atmosphere of this room was making him feel, like he wanted his mind to wander onto the clouds and think creatively, wanting people here to think creatively, but in the end, the painting ended just like the rest, dull. All he thought while painting it was just, how do I make this cloud look realistic?

He chewed the inside of his lip, and unsatisfied look rested on his face.

Well, at least he's thinking about it. None of the people here seem to want to express themselves in other forms of art. Most kids here also leaned towards drawing more like Rohan.

His eyes wandered around the room again and they landed on a girl just a few feet away from him. He noticed how her right foot would gently twist left and right as she and she wore a soft smile as she painted. Her face would scrunch up when she seemed dissatisfied with something and she seemed to not put a lot of thought when she painted over her mistake. She was completely immersed in her painting.

Rohan breath hitched when he finally focused on her painting. It looked similar to his, in fact, many could say they were the same, but to him, they were completely different by a landslide.

They were clouds.

But the peachy beige and white atmosphere were lightly overlayed with purple, red, and pink.

Her painting... was everything he was trying to convey. He could in some way feel how she felt. He felt like that painting isn't her truest potential because of the dull atmosphere around her as he could see that she tried adding grey to shade the clouds in which she later covered it with peach.

Unexpectedly she turned her head towards him causing Rohan to snap back into reality. Rohan muttered a quick apology before turning back to his canvas. From the corner of his eye, he saw her staring at him for a good minute before she turned away and went back to work. He peeked over again and realized she too was looking at the clouds outside the windows. Maybe she noticed his dull painting too.

Rohan's creative drive kicked in just a little enough to improvise on his painting. His brush glided on the canvas leaving blends of blue and green. He wasn't satisfied nor dissatisfied with how it turned out, it was the most he could do with a painting.

Everyone seemed glad to finally put away the paint and brushes. They all headed towards the buckets of water to clean their brushes. They left their canvas out to dry.

Rohan looked over at the girl from earlier. She seemed to be pouting just a bit. She must really like painting, but then she eagerly cleaned her brushes and quickly put her paint and shoved them to her bag. She took off her colorfully dirty apron and set it on a pile of them. Revealing her simple collared shirt and skirt.

Why was she in such a hurry?

That was a question Rohan Kishibe would find out soon enough.


A/N: I love Rohan what can I say :0 Anyways, chapters will be longer than this but this is just an introduction of Rohan in this story. I've always wanted to write a younger Rohan after reading Rohan at the Louvre (in which he's 17). It's interesting how he went from an insecure embarrassed teen to a big ego big confidence level adult.

Also, this fic may have slow updates ;(

Love Is A Work Of Art《Rohan Kishibe X Reader》Where stories live. Discover now