Chapter One.

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*Tyler is suppose to look like Jake Bass*

Louis woke up where he has been waking up for the past week. Not quite ready to give in and sleep in a normal bed again. He wanted to sleep some more, but the bright sun lights were shining into his eyes. He had to get up and start fighting with everything once again.

Louis got up off the park bench he slept on that night, and started making his way to the gas station down the street. He looked in the gas station for something small to eat and found a Hershey's candy bar and grabbed it.

He went up to the counter and have it to the lady working not really paying attention. Then he heard,"Louis Tomlinson?" and looked up and saw a girl who he fucking hated with everything now. Samantha Tanes.

"What do you want?" He said in a grouchy tone that just spilled with hatred. Samantha quickly shrugged," Where you've been? It seems to be quiet around school except for the rumors about you." She said while handing him the candy bar.

"What rumors?" Louis wasn't always one to care about what people were saying about him, but now he is. "You joined a gang , you do drugs, got a girl pregnant. Any true?"

"That's none of your fucking business okay? Fuck you and goodbye." He grabbed the candy bar and left the gas station quickly. What was wrong with people? Why do they have to go spread stupid rumors about him? He hates all of them.

Louis groaned at all of the things he's thinking and decided to go to the pub, who cares if it's the morning? He wants to get drunk.

He quickly made his way to the closest pub and sat down at the bar. "What can I get you?" The bartender named Tyler asked. "The strongest thing you got please."

Tyler nodded and started mixing a drink. "What's wrong fella?" He asked and handed Louis the drink. Louis shrugged and took the drink,"Life."

Tyler nodded,"Understandable."

"Why are people such dicks? Why do they have to fucking treat people like shit all the time? I just want a damn friend who is there for me and not a fucking liar." Louis suddenly spit out.

"I know the feeling," Tyler sighed leaning against the counter,"people can suck my ass is what I feel like sometimes."

Louis laughed slightly and nodded,"What's your name?" "Tyler, Tyler Drane." Tyler said and held out his hand.

Louis shook his hand and smiled slightly,"Well I think we might be friends Tyler. I'm Louis, Louis Tomlinson." He said.

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