Chapter Two.

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Louis stayed in the pub majority of the day. He was talking and laughing with Tyler most of the time. He felt like he finally made an actually friend.
After Tyler's shift ended the boys went walking around. Louis found out Tyler is like him in a way. Tyler wasn't all,"Fuck you.", but he was all,"I don't give a fuck."
"So where do you live?" Tyler asked. Louis shrugged,"Anywhere." "You're homeless?" Tyler asked quietly, knowing it could be a sensitive subject. Louis nodded. "It's not that big of a deal, ya know? It's simple. My parents still pay a phone bill for me. I'm not fully homeless you know? I could go "home", but it doesn't feel like home? I rather be out." He said.
Tyler nodded and looked at his phone."It's getting late I should go. Here's my number." He smiled and gave Louis his number. "Talk to you soon." Tyler said and started jogging off.
Louis sighed and noticed Tyler was right, it is getting late. He went back to what he called his park and sat down on the bench he always does. He pulled out his phone and headphones and put them in and laid down.
Louis woke up the next morning with wet drops dropping on him and sighed. It was a rainy day that day. He quickly got up and ran to the gas station and changed in their bathroom into warmer clothes.
He came out and left the gas station and went back to the pub, knowing Tyler was working that day. He went in and sat down where he did yesterday noticing Tyler talking to a girl.
"Oh Kaylee, this is my friend Louis. Louis, this is my friend Kaylee." Tyler said smiling. Louis shook Kaylee's hand and smiled slightly. "Hey Kaylee." He said. She smiled and said,"Hello Louis." With a thick accent it seemed. "Are you from around here?" Louis asked. She shook her head," No, I'm from South Sheilds." Louis nodded. "So well you be hanging out with me and Tyler today after his shift?" Louis asked. She nodded,"If it's not a problem?" Louis put on a smile and said," Not a problem at all."
Louis wasn't in the mood to hangout with anyone but Tyler, but he certainly does miss having a friend that is a girl. Maybe this was a chance for that? Friends that are girls are pretty cool.
Tyler and Kaylee seem to be pretty cool friends. So hopefully that means Kaylee is just as nice as Tyler is.
Louis had to figure that out hisself though.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2014 ⏰

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