Chapter 1

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Rose Tyler

I wake up slightly, feeling a warm body next to me. I hug the person slightly tighter, and curl up against him. Slowly, my eyelids droop again until I realize, nobody is supposed to be there.

My eyes widen, and I slowly loosen my grip on the man I was holding onto. He is peacefully sleeping, so I look over his shoulders and see a man with a long face, floppy hair, and practically has no eyebrows. What is going on? Who is he?

I roll out of the bed as slowly as I can, trying not to wake him. I fall off the bed with a big thump, not anticipating how fast I would fall. Great job Rose, now you just need to be a little louder.

I look up to see the man staring right at me. "What are you, and what are you doing here?" he says with clenched teeth, glaring at me malicuously.

Something about him looks familiar, he looks like someone I know, but completely different. "Who are you?"

Sorry! Don't kill me! Thank you guys for reading this very short chapter.

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