Chapter 3

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Rose Tyler

"What am I? Who the bloody hell asks someone what they are? I'm a bloody human!" I yell at the man.

"Oh, you're no human. You are probably using cloacking tech, or you are a shapeshifter. What time are you from? Why did you pick that form?" He questions a bit angrily.

I look at him, the bloke just called me a thing, well, he's got a surprise in store. I clench my hands together into a fist, relax them, then I smack him right in the face. I look at his shocked face and add, "You called me a bloody alien! Who does that?"

I look at him in confusion as he looks at me guiltily. Maybe he's a lunatic, or maybe he's a bit eccentric. Probably the former.

He rubs his face slightly and whispers under his breath, "You are an alien, technically."

When I look at him, ready to slap him again, he straightens up, and stops pouting.

He walks up to me, putting his hands on my face and looks me straight in the eyes. He looks away and whispers reverently, like a prayer, "Rose Tyler, is it really you?" He looks at me hopefully, yet expecting the worst.

My name? "How do you know my name? Who are you?" I say softly, almost as if talking louder would scare him off.

He says looking away like he is ashamed, no, more like afraid of something, "Rose Tyler," he says my name, like it is familiar, "I'm the Doctor."

That was a while, sorry for the time between updates, I doubt I will be updating too much in the next few weeks. Leave a comment on how you think this is going, I would like to see your theories. Until I update again, see you later!

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