Author's Note

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Hi guys, this isn't an actual update, but I have something to tell you guys. No, it isn't bad in advance!

I don't know how long this book is going to be honestly, but I still have a lot of ideas so don't worry, we aren't at the end yet! First off, I wanna say thank you guys for all your votes and comments. They make me laugh a lot and encourages me to write.

I've decided since this has been my most successful story yet that at the end, I'm going to add after the acknowledgements a section called "About the Author."

But I need your help to do so. So here's how you can help:

Below in the comments, leave me some questions about me or my writing! (Example: When did you start writing? How did you discover Wattpad? Ex.)

I'd appreciate it if you'd ask me questions and stuff like that. I'll probably include almost all of the questions, as long as they aren't too personal. So yeah, it'd be greatly appreciated.

I also think it's good because then you'd know a little but more about the person behind this story. I just never see anyone do this, so I decided I wanted to do something different and exciting for once!

Of course, when I hit the end of the book I will stop taking questions, but for now till the end, comment away!

Thank you so much if you do ask me a question, I love you guys, thanks for reading :)

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