.Chapter 12: Childhood.

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Courtney POV•

I woke up and yawned. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sat up. I looked around and noticed that I'm not in my dark room. I'm in this room that resembles a room for a guy. It had video games stacked up on a self, video game posters, and what nots everywhere. I swung my legs over the bed and got up. I looked at the pictures on this desk that is shared with a computer. I picked up the picture and saw a little boy. He looked at least five years old. He looked happy with this woman. She looked older, but they didn't resemble each other at all. I looked closer at the little boy and noticed his black hair, his beautiful eyes, and his award winning smile. That's Kevin. I smiled at how young he looked. I wonder where his father was at. I put the picture down and turned around running into Kevin. Was he standing there the whole time? I should apologize for snooping through his stuff. I was about to say something until he spoke.

•Kevin POV•

I came back to my room to wake Courtney up for the breakfast I made. I stopped in my tracks when I saw her with my picture of my foster mom and I. That brought back all of my horrid memories as a child.


I was three years old. My parents, they always fought. My dad was an alcoholic with no job. A basic dead beat. He would hit my mom... My mom worked two dead end job. With that being said, I had to stay home with that monster. She tried her best to protect me, but she had to work. He would beat me... He would curse at me... And lastly he tried to molest me... There's not a day where I can just forget that... After awhile, when I was four, my mom got on drugs. She left my dad and I. My dad, he always tried to touch me... I didn't want that anymore... I left the house one night and ran into this lady. She was so nice to me. She asked where I was going and where's my parents. I explain everything. After a week or two of meeting this woman, my parents were put away for child neglect and she ended up adopting me. I'm grateful for her. My new mother.

•End of Flashback•

Courtney looked terrified when she ran into me. I guess she didn't expect me to be right behind her. She was about to say something, but I cut her off. I explained my childhood and that picture to her. It left her in awe. She hugged me and I simply hugged her back. I'm glad I have her.

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