Chapter 5: Nordics

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Between land and sea chpt. 5

Leaving Arthur's old house I walked out to the edge of the sea. The tides were strong and fierce showing no signs of stopping as dark clouds filled the horizon. *Storms coming.* Driving down into the depths I swam towards Atlantis. Chaos unraveled in front of me as people from Atlantis we're leaving the city. *Whats going on?*

Seeing the familiar Nordic dwellers lining themselves around the city. They were here for one reason only. They heard the oath worked.  Swimming back to the shore I cursed at my actions. *Arthur could die.*

Gathering up my courage I sprinted back to my apartment. Sitting inside was non other than Vulko himself. "Vulko what are you doing here? How did you get in here?"

"Arthur sent me. He told me that you'd be here. *Figures.*

"What's going on?" I asked, walking over to the couch.

"The Nordics are back! They now of the oath and don't agree. They're coming!" He said frantically, just as the door burst open to the enemy. "Run!"

Running back to my room I jumped out the window in to the fire escape. Vulko defended them off for as long as they could before they followed me as I sprinted towards the sea. Arthur emerged before me as I ran into his arms.

"Shh, Tav, Shh." He whispered trying to calm me down.  I noticed the Nordics surrounding Arthur and I was it's guns aimed right as us. Looking up at Arthur I shielded the water around up and made us vanish into the waves we swam as fast as we could till we were on the shore of Metropolis.  Walking up we both saw the one they call Bat Man.

"Been a few years Curry." Bruce said, as I walked behind Arthur.

"Yeah it's been a while. How did you know we. . . "

"Sonar picked you up. I had them placed around the water of the city. Whoa! She okay?" Bruce asked as I fell to the shore line. I was not myself.

"Tav!" Arthur exclaimed just as the Nordics were walking into the coast.

"Quickly into the vehicle." Bruce stated as Arthur picked me up. Putting me in the vehicle we raced out of there to Bruce's base.

"Hey, is she alright?" Bruce's asked again,  as I groaned.

"She's pregnant." Arthur said, as Bruce picked up speed.

"Alfred, make sure the cave it cleared for entrance." He said, as we drove into the bat cave.

"Hang in there Tav." Arthur said, picking me up out of the vehicle setting me down on a table.

"I'm okay. It's just taken so much energy out of me to swim here." I smiled, as Arthur sighed. "Don't strain yourself."

"Sorry to interrupt, but how did this happen? And why were those things after you." Bruce asked, as we pasted into the cave.

"Long story. Apparently our ancestors did some ritual so that if either kingdom would fall the last remaining royal blood line are destined to produce an heir." Arthur stated.

"That seems crazy." Bruce said as I stood up. "Well you guys can stay here for the night."

"Thanks man." Arthur smiled, as he helped me over to the room. It was all black with a king size bed in the middle.

"Clothes are in those two drawers." Bruce told us. Going into the bathroom I quickly took a shower and changed. Heading back into the room Arthur was leaned over on the bed. Walking over I stood in front of Arthur. He looked up at me before I lifted up my shirt exposing my stretched out skin.

"He's been waiting to here from you." I smiled as Arthur's cold hands engulfed my belly. His head moved down so his face was close to it.

"Hey little guy. I uhhh, just want you to know I love you." He whispered, as I felt the baby kick. "Your mom and I cant wait to meet you."

Kissing my stomach he laid his head on it for a bit. "He heard you." I told him running my hand through his hair. Standing up Arthur looked down at me.

"Tav, get some sleep." He told me kissing my cheek. As he walked away I grabbed his hand. Running up to him I kissed him, as he kissed back. It was slow and passionate. "I gotta take a shower." He told me in between kisses.

"Hurry back." I frowned, as he walked away shaking his head. Sitting back on the bed I laid on my side. Once Arthur came back and set next to me I felt uncomfortable. Longing for Arthur's touch.

"Arthur?!" I whined, as he rolled over to look at me. I took my opportunity and grabbed Arthur holding him as I laid on his chest. "Don't move."

"Wasn't planning on it?" He whispered, as I drifted off to sleep.

Waking up in the middle of the night Arthur wasn't next to me. He was pacing around as I watched him. "You should be sleeping." He said quietly.

"So should you." I told him patting the bed sheets. Sighing, he walking over laying down besides me.

"I've just been thinking way to much." He told me, as I leaned up against him.

"What about?" I asked.

"You, the baby, Atlantis." He whispered rubbing my belly gently.

"We have to settle this War with the Nordics. They won't stop till I'm dead." I told Arthur as he sighed.

"Let's just sleep now." He told me. So that's what we did.

(A/N): Hey everyone! I hope you all are enjoying this read! I'm so sorry for not updating sooner and any spelling/grammar errors! I hope you all enjoy and on to the next!
-BeMine _Yours Truly

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