The Bite

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Isabelle's POV:
Billy knew where we were. It'd only be a matter of time before he came for us. But what came for us was much worse, the Mind Flayer himself. Max and Will his behind me as the arms burst through the house. Jonathan looked around at them, El protecting everyone in the room. Then El was grabbed by the Mind Flayer. I grabbed her hand along with Mike. "El!" He screamed. Will stood up and Max did the same, we pulled on El, trying to pull her back to the ground. El turned around to look at the Mind Flayer. "No! No!" She said. Nancy stared up at it in shock and Lucas looked around for a weapon. El looked at me and I pulled on her with all my might. Lucas cut the arm in half, El falling to the ground. Mike caught her and pulled the remaining piece of the arm out of her leg. El groaned in pain and then stood up, blood seeping from her leg. She spilt the Mind Flayer's face in two, the creature screeching as she did so. El looked at me and I could feel the immense pain coming from her leg.

I used my powers and made her leg be numb

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I used my powers and made her leg be numb. She furrowed her eyebrows and I said "just till we get your leg fixed." We all hurried in Nancy's station wagon to a small shop. El was set down on the floor while everyone else rushed around to get first aid supplies. I leaned against the aisle of different items and El said "don't use your powers anymore." I shook my head and said "I don't want you in any pain. You need to be strong. To take him down." "The Mind Flayer." She said. I nodded and said "let me deal with Billy. You take the Mind Flayer down." El sat up and grabbed my hand. "Stop." She said. I stopped using my powers and El bit her lip as the pain began flooding back. Will sat down and said "your nose." I felt woozy and said "I'm fine." Will had some tissues in his hand and he wiped my nose. Max and Nancy began to fix El's leg and every once in a while I'd use my powers to keep her out of pain. Once we were finished at the shop, we had to get to Starcourt. I was weak for most of the ride there. The kids asking me questions to keep me awake. "What was Billy like? Before he was flayed?" Will asked. I smiled lazily and said "happy. But he was troubled. Abused. He picked up a lot of bad habits. After what I saw in his memories, I understand it now. I miss his hugs, the way his face would light up when I told him something nice about him. His protectiveness over Max." She looked up and I said "he's protective over you. It might not seem like it but he is." Small tears filled Max's eyes and she said "do you think we can bring him back?" "I'll do it even if it kills me." I said. Will looked down and El said "I can help. We won't lose him." I nodded and didn't say anything else. When we arrived at the mall, there were guys who were enemies I was assuming. El took them down by throwing a car at them. We were reunited with Robin, Steve, Dustin and Lucas's little sister Erica. I ran over and hugged Steve, holding him tightly. "You ok?" He said. I nodded against his shoulder and said "yeah. Just had some close calls." I pulled away and Steve noticed my neck. "What happened?" Robin asked with wide eyes. "Flayed Billy happened." I replied. Steve shook his head and said "Billy did this?" "While he was flayed. Not the real Billy. The real Billy would never hurt me." I said. El fell over and my eyes widened. "El!" Mike said. Nancy raised her pant leg and something was moving around inside her leg. Jonathan quickly began to help, trying to pull whatever was in there out with his fingers. El yelled out in pain and then said "I can do it." Jonathan stopped and said "what?" "I can do it." She said. She held her hand out in front of her, pulling the thing out of her leg. El screamed as she pulled this thing out of her leg, blood running down her face. She threw it across the room and Hopper stepped on it.

I looked over to see Joyce, Hopper and Amber

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I looked over to see Joyce, Hopper and Amber. I smiled at my best friend and noticed a curly haired man leaning on her. El fell into Mike's arms and we began to bandage her leg back up. I used my powers so she could be out of pain for a while. El told me not to but I told her that it was fine and that she needed it. "Isabelle, I need your help." Amber said. Once they finished with El, she wasn't in anymore pain. I walked over to Amber and she said "I know about your powers. Hopper told me and I know you can help him." I looked at the man next to her, holding his shoulder. "What happened to him?" I said. "He was shot." I felt the pain in his shoulder and winced. I used my powers and made him not be able to feel the pain. Hopper rushed over to El and Nancy said "I can remove the bullet." We had the man lay down and Nancy began digging around, pulling the bullet out with a pair of tongs from one of the restaurants. I leaned against the counter, so I wouldn't fall over. Nancy happened to know how to sew and she sewed up the small bullet hole, bandaging him up. I quickly sat down and stopped using my powers. The more I used them the weaker I was getting. "Isabelle, this is Alexei." Amber said. I wiped my nose and looked up at the curly haired man. He waved and said "hi." I nodded to him and Will said "Isabelle. Are you ok?" I nodded and said "I'm ok. I'll be fine." "Save your strength. For Billy." He said. I nodded again and Amber said "Billy? What happened to Billy?" I explained everything and she was shocked. "Jeez. You guys have been through some shit huh?" "Yeah. My goal is to get Billy back and protect her." I said, pointing at El. She was talking to Hopper and Amber said "you'll get him back." "I hope so." I replied. Alexei went to sit down next to the other man that walked in with Hopper and Joyce. "That's him?" I said. Amber nodded and said "yes. That's my boyfriend." "I'm glad you have him back." I said. Amber sat down next time and said "and when you get Billy back, everything will be fine." I leaned my head on her shoulder and said "I hope so. I really hope so. I can't lose him." "You love him?" She asked. "Yeah." "Then you save him. You kick that things ass and save him. Your dad was no help by the way." She said. I hadn't even thought of my dad in a couple of days. "Shit. I haven't seen him in a while. I was avoiding him at first but the few times I went home, he wasn't there." "Well, I tried asking him where you were, he couldn't give me an answer. And that you had a boyfriend." "He's a dick." I said. "You're right about that."

The end sucks but I can't wait to write more!!

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