4 packs? Really?

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Benny jumped up the stairs three at a time, making quite the ruckus. Ethan heard him and opened his door, Benny walking casually through the doorway as if he hadn't just broken half the staircase. He looked around the room, his eyes landing on the snacks on Ethan's desk.

"Four packs of Oreos? Really? We're totally gonna blow through that in an hour!"

"You don't have to eat them if you don't want them," Ethan teased.

"No, no, I'll eat them," Benny laughed, sitting down in the chair by Ethan's desk. He opened one of the packs of Oreos, chomping on the cookies and getting crumbs all over the textbook Ethan had open on his desk. "Hey, What game did you call me over to play, again?"

"I found my Wii from 2005, and I just knew you'd wanna play it with me. Plus, I've got the house all to myself with my parents and Jane on vacation, so we can be as loud as we want."

Benny gasped over-dramatically, accidentally inhaling Oreo crumbs, and coughing for a solid thirty seconds before Ethan came over and smacked him on the back a few times. "Do you still have Wii sports?" Benny asked, still coughing.

Ethan laughed, "Yeah, I do, actually. You up for some tennis?"

"I was actually thinking bowling?"

This is what happens when I binge watch the series again for the fifth time this year

Just a normal sleepover Where stories live. Discover now