Wii sports is very competitive

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Benny laughed and stuck his tongue out at Ethan as he scored another point, making the game 40-0. Ethan rolled his eyes and kept his focus on the game, scoring a point against Benny while he was distracted.

"What!? No fair!" Benny whined.

"Blame yourself! You were the one not watching the screen." Ethan smirked.

Benny pouted and returned his focus to the game, scoring the last point and winning the tennis match.

"You wanna go again? Continue your streak of losing, eh, loser?" Benny teased.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go get us some snacks. You fight Matt, or something." Ethan walked into the kitchen, his Wiimote dangling from its wrist strap.

Benny played against Matt, the supposed strongest NPC in the game, Ethan's jaw dropping as he walked back into the room to a victory screen.


"Yeah, I'm pretty cool," Benny said with his hands on his hips and his chest out.

Ethan chuckled and set the bowl of chips on the coffee table before adding his Mii back into the game. Halfway into their next match, Ethan made Benny pause the game so that he could inspect his Wiimote, as it wasn't registering any movement that he made. When he looked at the infrared light bit on the end of the Wiimote, he found a small piece of paper underneath the cover, blocking the signal.

"Have you been using magic to cheat this whole time?" Ethan asked accusingly, turning to Benny.

"That wasn't me," Benny said, holding back laughter.

"You son of a," Ethan looked up at Benny, silently threatening to break every bone in his body.

"OkAY IT WAS ME I'M SORRY," Benny blurted our, backing away from Ethan.

"Don't do it again."

"Got it," Benny squeaked, still slightly scared of Ethan.

The two boys played for another couple of hours until Ethan suggested that he swap the disc for Wii Sports Resort so that they could play some different sports. Benny agreed, on the condition that they would swordfight to the death.

Benny looked over at Ethan, "You're going down, shorty."

"Oh yeah? Well, say hello to my little friend," Ethan said, holding up his Wiimote.

Benny gasped dramatically before turning his attention back to the game, centering his own Wiimote and swinging wildly at Ethan's Mii.

Much to Benny's disappointment, Ethan ended up winning. Mostly because he actually had a strategy that didn't involve flailing around and hoping you hit your opponent.

"Aw, man! I so had that!" Benny whined, falling back into the couch.

Ethan laughed, sitting down next to Benny and undoing the wrist strap on his Wiimote, setting it down on the coffee table.

Benny hung his legs over the arm of the couch and slid down the back, his head ending up in Ethan's lap, though neither of the boys cared. Personal space was never really an issue with them.

"You look tired." Benny observed, looking up at Ethan. "You wanna go to bed?"

Ethan yawned, proving Benny's point. "I guess I do," he chuckled.

The boys went upstairs, Benny grabbing his backpack from Ethan's room and heading to the bathroom to let Ethan change into whatever he was going to wear to bed.

Benny knocked on Ethan's door. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, you're fine," Ethan said.

Benny opened the door and walked into the bedroom, going to the closet for the sleeping bag he'd left there the last time he stayed the night. He unrolled the sleeping bag, grabbed an extra pillow from Ethan's bed, and got comfy on the floor.

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