The boyes question their sexualities

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Halfway through the night, Benny woke up. He checked the clock on Ethan's desk, it reading 2:00 in the morning. He sighed and rolled over to go back to sleep. After a while, Benny rolled back over and looked at the clock again. 2:40.

Benny reaches up and grabbed Ethan's hand, lightly squeezing it. "E? E, you awake?"

He heard Ethan grumble, presumably in his sleep, and let go of his hand, rolling onto his side to try and get back to sleep again.

"Yeah, I'm awake," Ethan said, leaning his head over the edge of his bed to look at Benny in the dark. "What'd you need?"

"Do your parents still have that air mattress in the garage?"

"No, Benny, you are not running that air pump in here at 3 in the morning. I won't allow it. Just come up here."

Benny tensed up at the thought of sleeping in the same bed with Ethan, even though they'd done that before whenever Benny would tag along on Morgan family vacations. But, in hindsight, those had all been queen size beds, not Ethan's twin size bed, which was significantly smaller.

"Sure," Benny whispered, trying to mask his sudden unexplainable anxiety. He scooted out of the sleeping bag and stood up, walking around to the opposite side of Ethan's bed. He pulled back the covers and got in next to Ethan, turning so that his back was to his friend.

When Benny woke up, he found that he had turned over in his sleep and that Ethan's arms were wrapped around him, Ethan's head nestled in his chest. He looked down at Ethan, peacefully sleeping, and couldn't help but think that he could used to this. Waking up with Ethan snuggled into him was nice. Too nice.

"I'm not gay," Benny thought to himself.

Ethan snored lightly, shifting in his sleep and grabbing at Benny's shirt.

"Okay, maybe I'm bi or something," Benny thought.

Unlike Benny, Ethan was shirtless, only making Benny's current state of sexuality confusion worse. (Un)luckily, Benny didn't have to worry about that for much longer, as Ethan started to wake up. Benny decided to play like he was asleep and deny any knowledge of them borderline cuddling.

Ethan yawned, looking up at Benny and smiling before realizing that he was practically wrapped around Benny. His arms were around Benny's waist, his right arm trapped underneath his friend, and his left leg was draped over Benny's legs. He quickly yanked his arm out from under Benny and scooted back until he almost fell out of his bed.

Benny "woke up" when Ethan started shaking his shoulder and telling him that it was almost noon. Benny fake yawned as he rolled to face Ethan, smiling up at him.

"You gonna get up?" Ethan asked.

Benny nodded. "Yeah, I'll be right down. Don't wait for me."

"So, let me get this right. Your parents took Jane on a cruise and left you here?" Benny laughed as he shoveled cereal into his mouth.

"No, they asked if I wanted to go and I said no. They didn't forget about me."

"Sure they didn't."

Neither of them mentioned the incident in bed, but they could each tell that the other knew about it. Finally, Ethan snapped and paused their current game.

"I know you know about the, cuddling thing."

"And?" Benny responded. "I seriously don't now what kind of answer you want here, E."

"Why didn't you, like, move me and get out of bed before I woke up?"

"I was comfy. You looked comfy. Didn't wanna disturb your slumber, oh sleeping beauty." Benny teased.

"Shut up," Ethan said, returning to their game.

As they played, Benny constantly got the upper hand due to Ethan not paying attention. Ethan kept spacing out, thinking about why he didn't initially want to stop cuddling with Benny. "I'm not gay," Ethan reasoned inside his head.

Benny won the round, flashing that stupid smile of his over at Ethan.

"Okay, maybe I'm gay. But just for Benny."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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