Studying and Truth or Dare

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Marinette's point of view

I started running through the streets when I ran into someone. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry," I said without looking to see who it was.

"It's fine Marinette, are you okay?" asked a familiar voice holding out a hand to help me up.

I know that voice, I looked up and into his electric green eye. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks though Adrien," I said blushing a little as he helped me up.

"Your welcome, what are you in such a hurry to get to?" questioned Adrien politely.

"I am on my way to study for the next test with Alya, and I'm a little late," I said blushing still. I need to get going I'm already twenty minutes late, Alya's going to kill me.

"Well, I was heading over there too, my photoshoot went long. Would you like to walk with me?" asked Adrien respectfully.

"Sure," I said and Adrien took hold of my hand. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my GOSH. Adrien freaking Agreste is holding my HAND.

"You okay, you seem a little red in the face?" asked Adrien concerned.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," I answered. Great going girl, your crazy giant crush is freaking him out.

"Okay well here we are," said Adrien letting go of her hand.

Aww, no more warmth. "Have you been here before?" I asked as they went inside.

"No, so you may have to help me find which apartment is hers," said Adrien.

"That's fine, I'm here almost as much as I'm at my own house," I remarked as we got out of the elevator on her floor.

"So, which apartment is hers?" inquired Adrien.

"This one," I said knocking on the door to apartment 9 (and 3/4 I love Harry Potter hehe).

"Cool," said Adrien as Alya's mom came to the door.

"Hi Marinette, and Adrien," said Mrs.Cesaire.

"Hi, can we go to Alya's room now?" I asked kindly.

"Of course go right on in," said Mrs.Cesaire gesturing them inside.

Adrien and I then went into Alya's room right away to see her talking with Nino. "I'm so sorry Alya, I was working on a design and forgot about studying, so sorry," I said right away.

"It's fine Mari," said Alya and I sighed in relief.

"Okay well should we start studying?" asked Nino.

"Yeah, we probably should," Adrien agreed.

"Well let's get started then," I said sitting on the floor in front of Alya.

An hour and a half of studying later

"Okay well, we know all of this stuff so how about we play truth or dare?" Asked Alya smirking evilly.😏

"Sure I'm in," said Nino a smirk on his face as well.

"I'll play," said Adrien shrugging his shoulders.

"Um, I guess I'll play if all of you are playing," I said. Oh my gosh, I'm so scared right now, what is Alya going to do to me.

"I'm starting," said Alya.

"Okay," said Nino, Adrien, and myself.

"Mari truth or dare?" Asked Alya smiling evilly.

If I choose truth she could have me tell everyone that I have a crush on Adrien. Then again if I do dare it could be ten times worse I don't know what to do. "Um dare," answered shakily.

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