I Got Tagged(2)

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So I guess that I got tagged again. So I hope that you enjoy this chapter! BTW most of these I didn't know what song to do so I put in a random song that I like. This chapter is also very late after I got tagged sorry. My other tag that will be posted soon after this *hopefully* is also late after I was tagged sorry again.

1. Song that will describe my death.

2. Song that describes my love life, non-existent love life.

3. Song that will play at my wedding, gosh I am not thinking about that yet.

4. Add "in my pants" to the end of the title, what I don't quite understand that but okay.

5. Song that will play at my funeral, geez I don't want to think about that either.

6. Add "with a shovel and a screwdriver" to the song.

7. Song that describes your week.

8. Song that's your theme song.

9. Song you play when you think, so many songs.


TAGGED PEOPLE, sorry, these are mostly people who have followed me that I followed back.


I hope that you liked this chapter, I liked putting this together. Though most of the songs I just put random songs that I like but whatever. Have a good rest of your day or night.

~Bye, and stay miraculous JJ

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