Eridan ♤ Sollux

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Sollux Captor sat alone in his mess of a respiteblock, listening to the neighbors in his communal hive stem. Despite having other trolls so close to him, he felt kind of lonely and bored. He stared at his computer and twirled a pen in his fingers. He tapped it twice before beginning to draw on his grey forearm. Blue ink smeered as his hand ran over it by accident but soon he stops drawing. "Huh." It was just doodles of bees and honey combs along with his lusus. Little did the goldblood know that else where on Alternia a violetblood in the middle of exploring the ocean had these mysterious doodles appear on his forearm as well...

Just a mere two sweeps later, Sollux had made new friends. Including an annoying as hell violetblood named Eridan Ampora. He couldn't stand the Ampora and yet, he still talked to him. Eridan had began trolling Sollux not even a sweep ago, addressing their roles in the hemospectrum, why it was in the way of interactions, etc etc. At the time, he just rolled his eyes and told him to fuck off somewhere else.

Eridan had only got saltier and continued to troll the goldblood. Captor did not care and just ignored the other's trolling and puts his bees asleep to gather honey and feed his lusus. The angry trolling had stopped by now and the violet blood had thrown his mobile communication device into the ocean below him and his trusty steed of a lusus. Not a smart move on his part but he soon calmed himself and returned back to his shipwreck hive.

Ampora looked around his messy hive, nudging stray treasure with his foot. He got an idea, remembering about the conspiracies that soulmates could seen each other's writing when written on their body. It was one way to explain the strange things appearing on the inhabitants' of Alternia's arms. The sea dweller soon dug out a small chest from a pile of gold. Carefully, he set it on his desk and opened it; inside was a small bottle of ink and a feather pen.
He gently took the feather pen and dipped the tip into the ink and drew. He did his best to not smear the wet ink, soon pulling the pen away to examine his work. It was a concept art of the ocean, crudely drawn.

Sollux was on the roof of his communal hive stem, giving his lusus mind honey when a drawing appeared line by line. He watched curiously as his biclops chowed down. He soon came to realize that it was an ocean sunset. He smirks, heading back down into his respiteblock. Just as he grabbed a pen the ocean scene faded away. He scribbles a quick message, making sure not to use his typing quirk; he didn't want whoever this went to to find him. Not at the moment. 'Hey, you're pretty good at drawing.'
Minuets later a response had appeared. 'Thanks, but that was honestly shit.'

Ampora smiles as another message appears on his forearm. For the rest of the night, Sollux and Eridan talked back and forth via arm and ink without knowing who they were getting along so well with...

Another couple of sweeps have passed and all 12 trolls have entered their game session. Both Captor and Ampora made sure to keep a pen in their captchalogue at all times. Neither one had said to the other anything about the game. Through trollian, the two hated each others guts by the minute but through arm and pen they fell for the other more and more.

One day, Ampora had worked up some courage and drew his sign, Aquarius, on his wrist. Sollux had looked at the doodle and frowned slightly as he wrote back. 'Yo, that looks like the sign of this dick of a violet blood in my game session.'

Captor stared at his arm, waiting for the responce. It was a good ten minutes before the message appeared. 'That IS my sign.'

Sollux narrowed his eyes and adjusts his glasses. After a few moments, he put two and two together. "Nope. No no no no nope." He shook his head and tossed the pen aside. He couldn't believe that the troll he was flushing red for was Ampora. The goldblood shook his head. No. No, he was not flushinlg red for Ampora. How could Ampora be such an ass when talking through trollian but an actual decent person outside of that.

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