be more chill

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After taking Ned to meet up with a considerably shady man to retrieve the squip (and, disappointingly enough, being told they couldn't half it,) Peter had taken it, and, despite what the man had told him, he was beginning to wonder if he hadn't taken it correctly.
That was, until he (oh so painfully) made Peter's aquaintence.

"Peter Benjamin Parker, welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor - your squip."

Peter, after a good few minutes of staring in awe, slowly, cautiously stood, stepping closer to said figure.
"Huh. So you're-"
"Mm, that won't do. Stand up straighter - arch your back."
He emphasized his words with a light shock to Peter's back, and Peter did as told almost immediately.
"Good. Now, hands out of your pockets, and don't stand so stiffly. You look like a masturbator."
"But- but I am a masturbator."
"We'll fix that."
"What? You don't get t--"
"Excuse me?"
The squip stepped forward, roughly grasping his host's jaw.
"I will do what is necessary to achieve our goal, and you, unless you'd like to suffer the consequences of disobeying, will submit. Understood?"
"I- uh, w-hat?"
A sigh.
"We've got a lot of work ahead of us, don't we? Stop stammering, and I believe I asked you a question,"
His grip tightened on Peter's jaw, emitting a vague whimper.
"Do you understand?"
"Y- yes, sir."
The squip hummed in approval, releasing his hold on his host to adjust his cufflinks.
"You may call me Tony - though, I quite like the sound of sir, too."
Peter opened his mouth to quip back, but he quickly stopped himself, deciding that most likely wasn't the best idea.
"Good boy," praised Tony, and Peter shuddered.
"Now, let's get you some new clothes, yeah? Nerdiness isn't particularly attractive."
"I thought I was more of a geek, but-"
"You're gonna have to stop that."
"Stop- stop what?"
"Commenting on everything- or, really, anything I say."
"I just don't understand."
The Squip sighed, again.
"You don't need to understand. Don't think. Don't speak. Just listen. Obey. Can you do that, Peter?"
"I don't-"
"You can. Shirt, now."
Peter released a long, exasperated sigh, slumping in the process, only to receive a sharp, stinging shock, starting at his shoulders, and running down his spine, causing him to hiss painfully, and straighten up immediately.
"Ow! What the fuck?"
"You'll need to be more respectful than that, Peter, and you shouldn't need reminding to stand up straight. I only told you a few seconds ago."
"Fine, but that was--"
"What did I /just/ say, Peter? Maybe another could serve as a reminder? That was barely anything, you know--"
"No! Okay, I'm sorry, please- please don't."
"Good. Proceed."

"...That's a girls' shirt."
"So? I think it's cool."

"Pe- Pedro? Was it Pedro?" Wade turned to Quentin for confirmation, as the two approached Peter, only to shrug, moments later.
"Whatever. Cute shirt."
"Uh, Peter, it's- it's P--"
"Is that a girls' shirt?"
"Uh, n-"
"Repeat after me."
Peter absently repeated Tony's explanation to the two, (something about Gwen having cheated on him, he didn't catch most of it.)

Quentin hummed, stepping forward to cup Peter's chin, shamelessly examining him, and leaning forward so their faces were mere inches apart.

"Quentin is going to offer you a ride. It is /imperative/ that you accept."

"Do you want a ride, honey?"
"Say yes."
"Yes... But! Um, I'm- I'm supposed to meet my friend, Ned."
Peter reluctantly took a step back, visibly fidgeting.
Wade chuckled. "He's cute, isn't he?"

"Peter," Tony warned.

"Come on, baby boy," Wade purred. "Ned gets to see you all the time. Let us get to know you better, yeah?"
"Okay," Peter breathed.
"Good. We'll get you home in no time."
"There /is/ a catch, though," Wade exclaimed.
Quentin chuckled under his breath, bringing a hand up to stroke Peter's cheek.
"Relax, honey. We've just gotta stop at Pinkberry. Is that okay?"
"I- yeah. Okay."

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