do you wanna hang?

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borderline non-con warning!!
Peter spent a considerable amount of time with Quentin, and, while he loathed to admit it, had grown to like him quite a bit.
He leaned back against the taller's torso, still situated in his lap, though, he was less nervous about it, now, and opened his mouth to speak, only for it to gape, when he'd caught sight of Michelle and Brad, through the window.
He groaned in frustration, beginning to stand, only for Quentin to pull him back down, almost immediately.
"Where're you going, Petey pie?"
"I was just- I need to- use the restroom...?"
"Don't lie to me. Come on, talk to me, sweet boy."
"I can't--"
"You can," Quentin insisted with a soft, vague smile, lifting Peter's chin with his index finger. "You can tell me anything. No judgement, I promise."
"I- it's just-- Michelle-"
The older laughed at that, spreading his hand out to gently but firmly grip Peter's jaw.
"You're jealous of Brad, right?"
"N- no, I-"
"You are. I know you like her. Don't worry about it, yeah? I'm not mad at you."
The boy released a sigh of relief, visibly relaxing.
"Can't say I'm not a little jealous, though."
"I- I'm sorry-"
"Nothing to be sorry about, honey."
Quentin's smile widened a little, and he leaned forward to press a quick kiss to Peter's lips, before releasing his hold on his jaw.
Peter whimpered embarrassingly, much louder than he would've liked, and Quentin hummed in amusement.
"/God,/ you're /really/ fucking cute."

"I don't think- Tony, I don't know if I can do this." Peter pressed his forehead against a window in the hallway, now from inside the school.
"You can, and you will. If you want Michelle so badly, you'll need to start with Quentin, and progress, only then will the target /eventually/ be accessible."
"There's-- this is too much, right now! I just- I need a minute to... Process everything."
Peter sighed, pressing his back to the wall, and sliding into the floor, aiming a pointed glare at the squip, after a moment.
"Alone. Can you just- get out of my head, for, like, five minutes? Please?"
"...Of course."

"Ned? Ned! Oh, my god, it's so good to see you."
Ned looked down at his feet, to avoid eye contact with Peter, a small sigh spilling from his lips.
"Really? So, you haven't been avoiding me, like, all day?"
"What are you talking about? I haven't seen you since---"
"It's called optic nerve blocking."
"What's going on, why haven't I seen Ned-- wait, what?"
"I have access to your optic nerves. I have been blocking Edward from your field of vision."
"Peter? Why're you standing there, all creepy, and stuff?"
"Edward is a link to Peter 1.0. To upgrade, you must be willing to make sacrifices."
"Seriously, what's wrong with you? You've been acting weird, since-- since-- holy shit. It worked!"
Peter allowed himself a few minutes of contemplation, before looking up at Tony, and giving a small nod. "Optic nerve blocking on."
"Smart boy." The squip smirked.

"Tonight's the night, kiddo. This is what we've been preparing for. Are you ready?"
"Affirmative. I- I mean-"
Peter laughed, rather than pouting, as he usually would, when Tony would force words from his mouth.
To his own dismay, the squip couldn't help the fond smile that played at his lips.
"Yeah. I got this."

Peter jumped when he felt arms around his waist, though, he relaxed, after turning his head to find it was only Quentin.
"I was afraid you weren't coming, doll. Didn't you get my messages?"
"Play it off."
"Am- am I late? I didn't even notice."

"Did you see the look on his face, Tony? He thought I stood him up!"
"-And he was so excited when he realized you hadn't. People only want what they can't have, Peter."

Peter's jaw dropped when Michelle entered the room.
She looked nothing short of stunning in that dress - that's not to say she didn't look perfect all the time.
"Sorry, I'm late."
"I didn't even notice." Brad shrugged.
"Oh... Okay. Hey, wait, I thought we were going as prince and princess?"
"We are. I'm Prince. What are you supposed to be?"
"It's an authentic Renaissance... Never mind." She sighed.
"Ohh... You want a drink?"
"Um... Okay."
"Cool, they're over here."
Peter was infuriated at seeing Brad leave Michelle alone like that, but with Tony's help, he didn't take long calming down.

"I'm supposed to get you. Quen has a surprise," Wade stated plainly, grabbing Peter's wrist to drag him along with him, without further explanation.
"What- what kind of-"
"The kind where you don't ask questions, and follow me upstairs."
"U- um- okay, but-"
"Quiet, Peter."

"Brad's parents' room. Don't worry. They're not using it."
"You- you really know your way around."
"Yeah. I've fucked him in every room in this house. There was this one time--"
"Okay! Thanks, but-- um, anyway, when's Quentin coming?"
Wade lifted a flask to his lips, only to choke, due to the laughter Peter's words had emitted.
The boy cocked his head.
"Oh my god, you're so fucking cute, baby boy."
"What do you--"
"Quen's not coming," Wade whispered, his lips curling into a smirk.
"He's not? Then why--"
Wade hummed, pushing Peter backwards onto Brad's parents' bed, and crawling atop him.
"Do you wanna hang?"
"I- please- please move. I have to go."
A pause.
"I can't move. Why can't I--"
"You're welcome."
"I get why he's so crazy about you. You're adorable. Those big, innocent doe eyes, that cute stammering thing you do, when you get all nervous, and /god,/ that ass--"
"I should get back."
"You know I could treat you better. He'd be a shitty boyfriend. Hell, he's a shitty friend. He's crazy manipulative, you know--"
"Oh my god. You're jealous of Quentin."
"Um, obviously not."
"That's crazy! Why would you be jealous of anyone? You're the hottest guy in school! Did I just say that out--"
Wade leaned forward, and before Peter could react, their lips were pressed together, Wade's tongue already intertwining with his own.
Peter gasped, using his best efforts to pull away.
"Whoa! Tony, make it stop!"
"I don't understand the request."
Wade pulled away with a hum, licking his lips.
"Do you wanna stop being coy, already?"
"Please, I need to leave."
Wade grabbed for his flask, and held it to Peter's lips.
"I'm- I don't dri--"
The older forced it into his mouth.
"Sorry, what was that?"
When the flash was empty, Wade carelessly tossed it aside.
"How're you feeling, sweetie?"
"I- please, stop."
A knock at the door caused Wade to groan.
"Peter? Are you in there, honey? Liz said she saw you come up here. Petey pie?"
When the knocking had stopped, and Quentin had left, Peter released a breath he hadn't known he was holding.
"If Liz saw us-"
"Liz can mind her own fucking business, yeah?"
"Quentin's going to find out. Don't you care?"
"You're less cute when you're talking."
"Hey! Help me out, here!"
"I- uh, what?"
"I'm sorry, Peter. Alcohol temporarily scrambles my-"
"/Then why the fuck did you make me drink it?/"
"To get you laid, dipshit, I- fuck. You'll thank me, later."
Peter groaned, only to sigh in relief at realization he could move, now.
He began worming his way out from under Wade, but the older was quick to grab his wrists, and pin them together over his head.
"Where ya goin', Petey?"
"Wade, please-"
"Please, what, exactly?"
Wade forced his thigh in between Peter's with a smug smirk, emitting an involuntary, shaky moan from the smaller.
"P- please! Please, stop!"
"Really? Those pretty little sounds you're making say otherwise--"
Another, much louder knock at the door, and Wade dropped his head, groaning yet again.
"Peter Benjamin Parker!"
"Ohh, the fun begins." Wade sighed defeatedly, before finally releasing Peter's wrists, and sliding aside.
"Is- is that Brad?"
"Peter, I know you're not fucking in my parents' bed, because if you were, I'd have to rip your dick off!"
"Great! Then, you can both be dickless!" Wade shouted back, crossing his arms.
"Yeah, what about it, cocksucker? Can you hear that? I'm pounding Peter into your parents' linens!"
"He's not! I swear, we're-"
A twist to Peter's nipple caused him to cry out.
"Can you hear him? He's /so/ much better than you, Bradley."
Peter's eyes darted around cautiously, and he visibly relaxed at the silence.
"...Maybe he believed me, and went away?"
"Kei-koku, kei-koku!"
At the sight of Brad, Wade practically pounced back onto Peter, latching his lips onto the younger's neck, and biting down considerably roughly.
"F- fuck! Stop!"
"You're fucking /dead,/ Parker."
"Fuck off, Brad, we're busy fucking," Wade deadpanned.
After a few moments of relentless fighting, Peter managed to shove Wade off of him, before running to the door, and opening it to Quentin.
"Quentin, I-"
"I'm- I'm sorry."
He, as gently as possible, pushed the older out of the way, and ran downstairs, of course, followed by Brad.
"I'll fucking kill you, Peter! Oh, my- fuck, I shouldn't have had so many Peach Schnapps."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2019 ⏰

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