05 | an empty bed

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Morning arrived, and the sun shone over Hogwarts on an unforgivably hot day. Light seeped in through the very few windows of the Slytherin dorm, making the room appear brighter. The lined up beds each had a sleeping Slytherin in it, and the sun illuminated each of their features perfectly.

Scorpius, always being the first to wake up out of everybody in his dorm, rolled out of bed as soon as the sun passed by his bed. He yawned, sighed to himself, and ran a hand through his hair. He glanced quickly at his reflection as he stepped in front of the mirror by his bed.

He liked waking up before everybody else- it gave him time to himself. Scorpius could do any of the most embarrassing things he could think of for at least an hour before getting noticed. Not like he would, though.

As quickly as he woke up, though, Scorpius grew bored. Like he normally would when this happened, Scorpius tiptoed over to Albus' bed, and threw off the covers, ready to greet him. Except, when he pulled them off, he saw-

Nobody. Nobody was in Albus' bed.

Strange, Scorpius thought. Nobody in this dorm wakes up before I do. And Albus is the last person I'd expect to do so.

Immediately, Scorpius ran back to his nightstand, and his hands moved to his phone. He opened Albus' messages from the night before.


> thursday, 1:14 am

albus: bitch wake up🗿

albus: ur literally sleeping on my charger

albus: why is your ringer off

albus: omfg

albus: bUTXH ISTH🔪😡


Scorpius sighed. Albus' phone could be uncharged, but Scorpius decided to text him anyway.


> friday, 7:01 am

scorpius: You cretin😔🖐🏻

scorpius: Where are you?

scorpius: I just woke up and you're not here??

scorpius: Also, sorry about the charger thing.


Scorpius clicked his phone off, thinking that he'd sent more than enough messages. He pocketed his phone.

Scorpius continued to get ready for the morning, pulling off his old jumper and settling himself in his robes. A silhouette of the lake outside appeared on his chest. Scorpius was distracted with getting himself ready, of course, but he couldn't help but think about Albus and where he could be.

Scorpius checked his phone again after changing his pants, but Albus hadn't responded. It wasn't like Albus to respond more than three seconds later than when somebody's message was sent.

Scorpius sighed, but didn't close his phone. Instead, he went into Rose's messages, which were almost completely empty.


scorpius: Rose, good morning!

rose: Why do you talk like you're 40?

scorpius: Sorry, I'll stop.

scorpius: rOse yo gm🤠✨🤘🏻

rose: NEVER do that again.

rose: Why are you texting me so early?

scorpius: Oh yeah, that

scorpius: Do you know where Albus is?

rose: He told me not to tell you.

scorpius: So, he's somewhere?
read, 7:42 AM

scorpius: Come on, just answer me?

rose: Well, obviously he's somewhere.

rose: But we don't need you barging in.

rose: You'll just stress him out even more.

scorpius: We?

scorpius: You're with him?

scorpius: And what do you mean "stress him out"??

scorpius: Is he alright?
read, 7:44 am


Scorpius scoffed, but decided against pestering Rose even more than he already had. He looked around his dorm, envying how calm the rest of the Slytherins seemed, sleeping contently.

He clenched his fists, but his strength didn't hold enough for him to believe that he was confident.

Why hadn't Albus wanted him there, wherever he was?

Scorpius sighed to himself, checking once more to see if he'd woken anyone up, before tiptoeing out of the dorm.

Where could Albus be?

He sat to think, and think, he did. Scorpius just couldn't come up with a location of where Albus could've been without at least a small hint.

Scorpius inhaled sharply, knowing what he had to do, as he had recently. He tugged his phone out of his pocket, and held it lightly, as if it were an explosive.


scorpius: Alright, where is he?

rose: He doesn't want you here.

scorpius: Idc🤡

scorpius: Where is he?

rose: I wont't tell you. If you were to come, you'd best know that you'll get attacked.

rose: By me.

rose: And it's so quiet here that nobody will even notice.

rose: No one'd find you.

scorpius: Starting to think this is becoming a little personal...

rose: Doesn't matter what it is.

rose: You will NOT come.

rose: You won't find us.

rose: The door will not be there.

scorpius: Was that a hint I read?

scorpius: ;)))

scorpius: I just got mad respect for you

rose: You already had it.
read, 7:57 AM


Scorpius squeezed his eyes shut, concerned, but hopeful. He tried to wrack his brain for the possible places Albus could be ignoring him at.

It's so quiet here that nobody will even notice, Rose's text message flew back into Scorpius' mind.

No one'd find you, Scorpius remembered again.

You won't find us, Scorpius finished his reviewing. The door will not be there.

What place was hard to find? Quiet? Secluded? With a door that-

The Room of Requirement. Albus was in the Room of Requirement.

Scorpius shot his fist up in the air, and exhaled happily as it came back down. He thanked Rose in his mind, and he scrambled down the halls again.

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