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role; miss idol
name; allison rose white
nicknames; she prefers to be called alli/ally or alice, her idol persona is yume-chan
age; eighteen
gender; female
grade; senior
sexuality; bisexual
faceclaim; sana from twice
personality; very dreamy, ally is the school idol and a bright and cheery girl, she chose yume-chan as her idol persona because yume meant dream in japanese and she has high hopes and dreams
backstory; ally is half-japanese and half-american, she was born and raised in america though, but still cherishes her japanese roots, she became an idol when she turned fourteen, and since then, she has gained a lot of popularity and a huge fan base, especially in japan
likes; singing, dancing, her fans
dislikes; hate comments, the dating ban
strengths; she is talented in multimedia and very cheerful
weaknesses; she is very forgetful and clumsy when not in stage
habits; practicing her lines or moves, reading letters
flaws; often gets too emotional

ears; losing her fans
family; alexander white (father, in america) yumemito sakura (mother, in japan)
health issues; none
other; none

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