No Public Restroom

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Kit starts unbuckling his seat harness and slumping back down into his chair again. Baloo leans back in his chair, taking a deep breath as he forces  his hands off the yoke.

"Geez, it was even easier to lose him than usual," Kit said.

"Yeah no kidding," Baloo agrees with a laugh. "Must be an off day all around."

"Let's just focus on not missing Hawkings beach again," Kit said looking down at the map again, checking out the window.

"Oh man the delivery," Baloo said slumping down into his seat in exhaustion. "I just want to go back to bed. Can't we get it tomorrow?"

Kit cut his eyes sideways at Baloo, rewarding his whining with a raise of his eyebrows.

"Alright fine. But we are going to Louie's as soon as we are done with this."

"You mean like we do every other day?" Kit said leaning up in his chair to adjust his coat and check their position.

"Exactly, we're living the dream Little Britches. Now get ready to contact the tower."

Kit leaned over and grabs up the radio as the tower starts to come into view off in the distance. He lifted the receiver and prepared to give out his call sign.

"This is Cloudkicker flying with the Sea Duck. Requesting permission to land."

"Copy that Cloudkicker this is Hawkin's Alpha Tower. What are you landing for?" the radio hissed back at them in a bored tone.

"Bathroom break," Kit retorted back into the radio.

"Funny. Please confirm what you are landing for."

"Oh these guys aren't any fun," Baloo said pointing at the radio.

"Pick up requested for Higher for Hire," Kit answered the tower.

A moment of silence falls over the channel. No doubt the tower crew were checking their flight schedules and probably debating denying the joking duo access.

"Permission granted. You are cleared to land Sea Duck," the voice practically sighing over the radio.

Kit threw the radio back on the receiver and put his hands back in his pockets like usual. Baloo had been preparing them to land while Kit handled the formalities. They landed the Sea Duck out in the water, gentling ferrying it up to a small dock where a bunny in a white coat is waiting to meet them. She clasp a decorated clip board close to her chest decorated in Raising Hare and Witch Dagger stickers. The employee tag on her coat read Jenna but the most interesting thing on the dock by far was the towering stack of crates behind her covered by thick, black tarps.

"Hello you must be the team from Higher for Hire," Jenna said checking the watch on her wrist for at least the third time since they had landed. "We were expecting you sooner."

"You know actually it's Baloo's Air Ser-oof," Baloo tried to explain before Kit elbowed him roughly in the stomach.

I mean yeah. Higher for Hire that's us," Baloo replied sadly instead.

"Great the shipment that you need to take is stacked here," Jenna said motioning to the covered crates. "It is imperative that you do not open any of the material or allow them to sit in direct heat."

"Are they rigged with glitter bombs?" Baloo asked lifting the edge of the black plastic up to look underneath it. The crates were all plainly packaged and unmarked however, not relieving any clues to what might be inside them.

"I'm sorry?" Jenna said her ears dropping back on her head as she adjusted her wire rimmed glasses on her face.

"The crates we are taking. Like if we open one will it throw glitter everywhere or shoot fart spray or something like that?" Baloo asked.

Jenna blinked a few times while processing the information. She then leans over to Kit and motions for him to take the clip board from her hand to sign for the crates.

"Is he kidding?" she whispered.

Kit shrugged as he signed off the pickup and handed it back to her.

"Well okay, no there are no glitter bombs. But still leave them sealed please or we will not be able to pay you for this delivery," Jenna said as Baloo moved past her again with a cart from the cargo hold of the plane.

"None of these business types can take a joke," Baloo said as they loaded the first set of crates.

"No kidding," Kit said with a smirk, "that or they are just super protective of their bathrooms."

Baloo lifts two crates at once, one under each arm effortlessly stacking them up onto the cart. To his right Kit wiggles one of the crates up with a groan and walks it over to the dolly. Baloo turns to put a helping paw on the bottom of the crate to help the smaller bear out. Behind them, across the beach a commotion can be seen as people start to gather on the beach. A sub struggles to surface even in the shallow water. Jenna throws her clipboard down into the sand where she her been monitoring them and turns to run to the sub. The hatch to the sub comes open and the exhausted captain pulls himself out, holding his ribs. The side of the sub is badly damaged with large puncture holes, scraps, and missing parts. The crowd around the wreck quickly obscure Baloo and Kit's view as they stop loading the crates to watch the sub. Across the beach they can see the hurt crewman being loaded up onto a stretcher, Jenna at his side. She turns suddenly and grabs one of the security officers, pointing them towards the docks.

"Uh-oh Little Britches looks like we are about to get the hustle," Baloo said lifted two more crates and moved to load them into the Sea Duck by hand as the squad of security vultures started ascending on them from the wreckage.

"Yeah looks like it, let's fly," Kit agreed as he pushed the rolling the cart up the ramp and the loading bay.

"That's the best thing I've heard all day, come on kid," Baloo said as he climbed into the cockpit of the Sea Duck.

In the back, Kit hurries himself with strapping the cargo down for takeoff spurred on by the constant chatter coming from the radio as the island's tower starts urging them to take off. Below them on the dock, the security team stands by, huffing and scowling at the sight of Baloo using his higher vantage point to catch a better look at the submarine. The hull of the craft was completely wreck with piecing of it still detaching and floating out further into the harbor behind it with each returning wave. Baloo gives the surly security a parting salute as he pulls the Sea Duck around off the dock slowly, taxing in the water to give Kit time to hop over his seat and get a glance at the wreckage too.

"What was that about?" Kit asked as he leaned into uncomfortable angles to get a better view out the windows.

"I don't know but it didn't look good," Baloo answered as they started to take off.

"I hope everyone is okay," Kit said slumping back into his seat solemnly.

"Yeah me too kid," Baloo said, thinking back to the two white sheet covered gurneys that were being rolled slowly back to the medical building. "Me too."

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