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Saturday morning and here I am, sitting in the reception of a building I never thought i'd be in before today. I blink and shield my eyes from the bright fluorescent bulb above me as I plop down onto the couch in the reception, holding a counseling fill out form in my hand,

I looked down at the fill out form I was given, it had the usual information detail any fill out form should have, Starting from my name, right down to where i lived, the only thing different about this form were the questions. I think they're called self-evaluation questions, you know, they're these questions you're asked so the counselor can know where you stand, questions like;

"Have I struggled to be myself lately", or "has my day-day life become harder". Etc...

I stared at the paper unsure of what to write in the blank spaces left for my answers, the longer I stared, the bigger the spaces became. Blinking I tore my eyes away from the sheet, stood up, submitted the form and returned to the couch waiting for my name to be called, I laid my head back and closed my eyes.

I came here looking for answers, it didn't occur to me that I would be the one giving them.

A few minutes later, I heard my name being called, I walked up to the receptionist and was handed a piece of paper with a time and date written on it.

I had an appointment.

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