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The teen girl held her bags as she walked down the airport aisle, she looks around subtlety for someone that was possibly an old Asian man...she was looking for her uncle, she grew tired of just standing around trying to be sneaky with her stares so she just began approaching old men and trying her hand in korean.

"Uh... Sam Chon Hakjin ?" The men just frown at her and walk away, Arie groans in distress and began tugging on her hair.
"Sam Chon Hakjin?" and another old man walking away from her.
Arie clenches her jaw, "Just fucking say something instead of walking away"


Arie turns hearing a voice call her name, she saw young guy standing in front of her with a sign that spelled


She chuckles at the spelling before eyeing the man, "Sam Chon....Hakjin?"

He waves his finger at her "No, no it's uncle not Sam Chon" Arie jerks her head back, she could understand his sentence...it was a rather simple one.
"You're uncle Hakjin?" She looked the man head to toe, he looked like he could be a college student or someone who just graduated college...definitely not an uncle.
"I'm your mom's little brother" he pats his chest, Arie nods and looks away, her mom never talked about her family in korea she just assumed he was older than her.

"Let's go" he said cooly grabbing her bag and leaving, Arie watched her uncle walk away for a minute before following after him.

"Do you like music?"

"Music? Music?...Oh Music yeah"

Hakjin turns on the radio and trot music came on and he immediately began singing along. Arie eyes him in disbelief before sliding her own AirPods in and listening to the music on her phone, she watched the outside move by quickly...she definitely wasn't in Virginia anymore, she felt her eyes feel heavier and heavier before she fell asleep all together.

Eventually her uncle parks the car and the jolt of the vehicle shook her awake.

"We're home" he said in a sing-song tone. Arie gets out the car and looks at the house still hearing her uncle hum the song that was playing when she first fell asleep.
"School starts tomorrow so be ready" he said randomly, Arie ignored him in the beginning just assuming he was still singing the song until she realized he said "School" And "Be ready"

"Excuse me? I mean s-slowly"

"School is tomorrow be ready"

"Tomorrow? Are you crazy?!" she screams and his neighbors stop and stare at the two, Hakjin chuckles and waves at them, "Please this is a quiet neighborhood"

She rolls her eyes, "I wouldn't care if the president lived beside you" Arie crosses her arms, "School. Tomorrow. Me?"
He nods, "Your uniform will be in your room" Hakjin grabs her bags from the back of his car and brings them inside.
Arie stood there in disbelief, she was on a thirteen hour plane ride and she immediately had to go to school.

Her dad really wasn't joking when he said that this wasn't a vacation, she groans loudly and drags her feet as she follows behind him.

His house was nice but it was smaller than her home in America, "Where am I sleeping?" she said with a pout.
"Guest room" he points to an already open door lazily, as he was already laying on the couch,Arie smirks and makes her way to it.
"...Where is my bed uncle Hakjin?"

"What?" He laughs at the question, he hops off his sofa and points to the folded quilt and pillow, now it was Arie's turn to laugh, "You've got to be kidding me...I'm on the floor?"

Hakjin nods, "I've got heated flooring" Arie frowns "I'm not sleeping on a floor"

"Then don't sleep at all, your uniform is up there" He leaves the fuming girl in her room, Arie began breathing hard and her face burned red until she felt her tears spill out.
She pulled out her phone and calls her mom, after a few rings her mom finally answers

"Arie?" She sounded like she just woke up, "Mom I'm sorry please, I wanna come home" she began sobbing, her mother sat up quickly, "Arie what's wrong?" her voice full of concern.

"He's making me sleep on the floor mom,The floor, he calls it On Doll or something stupid like that "

Her mother sighs and lays back down, arie could hear her father groan, "That girl is calling already?"

"Yes tsk tsk...My brother is making her sleep on a quilt and your daughter is crying about it"

Arie cries harder hearing her parents laugh at her, "Please daddy like mom said I'm your daughter, you can't stay mad at me forever right?"

"Actually I can, now hang up it's going on twelve in the morning over here" Her father scolds her, he had work in eight more hours, Arie growls under her breath. "While you're there practice your korean, your pronunciation is horrible it's heated flooring not On Doll" Her mom said giving her a kiss through the phone "Bye princess" and they hang up.
Arie blinks and looks at her phone, "They fucking hung up..." she tosses her phone before plopping herself on the ground and falling backwards to lay down on the floor.

It was oddly...comfortable.

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