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Hakjin played trot music at five in the morning...Do you know how loud Trot music can be first thing in the morning?
Arie's eyes snap open, she slowly rises up from the quilt just as her uncle walked in.
"Oh you're up...good it's time for school Arie" he claps his hands before closing her door.

Arie rolls her eyes before tossing herself back down.

"Can't I just have one day off?" She pleaded with her uncle, who just ignored her and drunk his tea and read his newspaper, "Please...Uncle Hakjin" she pushes the news article out the way and pouts at him mustering up her best puppy dog eyes.
"For your only niece...please" she quivers her bottom lip at him, Hakjin stares at her emotionless.

"Acting cute doesn't work on me, eat your food"

Arie groans, that usually worked on her mom, she sat back in her chair and began eating the soup in front of her. It wasn't half bad...her mom never usually made korean food, she made a lot of soul food out of the request from her father.
"It's kimchi soup with tofu"

"What's Dubu ?"

Hakjin sighs slightly irritated that she keeps interrupting his reading, "Tofu...Tofu"
Arie rolls her eyes and pulls out her phone voicing the word into her translator app, her eyes widen, "This is Tofu...gross...it taste so good though" she frowns, conflicted at her taste buds.

"Eat up, school is in ten more minutes"

They ate their soup in silence, Arie checking her phone every once in a while, still not receiving anything from her friends.
She slides her phone away and finishes her soup.
Arie leaves the house first and stands awkwardly outside the gate, she scratches her arm.
"How do you even wear this everyday?"
She huffs and chews on her lip, "Hello neighbor" Arie looks up and catches eyes with a boy in a school uniform, he held his hand up and waves.
She just stares at him, he slowly puts his hand down and slides it on his school slacks pocket.
"I am Taehyung Kim, who are you?"

Arie just stares at him, Taehyung frowns, "Am I saying that right?..." he looks her over and notices the familiar school uniform.
"Oh same school, same school...yeah me too same school"
Arie looks down at the uniform she was wearing and looks at his. "Ah..." she nods, Her uncle finally left the house and unlocks his car.
Hakjin meets eyes with the teenager across the street, he cocks an eyebrow.
"Arie get in the car"

"Okay" She follows orders and gets into the unlocked car, Taehyung face palms, "She can speak korean...damnit"
Taehyung brings the banana milk straw up to his mouth and sips.
"Why are you just standing there go to school!" he heard his mother yell.
He places his lips into a straight line before walking toward the bus stop.
"Why can't I get a rid-Wait...that foreigner goes to my school" he nearly dropped his milk after realization hit him.

"Do I go to an international school?!"

"Go  now!" She screams, Taehyung smirks defeatedly before making his way to his bus stop.

"Look at what the wind blew in" Sungjae teases, Taehyung pulls his friend into a headlock, "Hey you don't smell like alcohol" he laughs at Sungjae.
"I stay home and away from those women just for you" he pinches his cheeks, the two friends laugh with each other.
"Hey did you see silver car pass by?"

"Uhh...hm no...The bus" he nudges Taehyung's chest and they quickly hop on.

"So you saw a foreigner wearing our school uniform? What is so special about our school?"

Taehyung claps his hands in agreement, "Exactly what I said" the two rub their chins in confusion.

"Ohh I know she might be a teacher"

"I just said she was wearing a uniform Sungjae"

"...hmm...maybe they do that where she comes from, like the teachers wear the school uniform and hasn't gotten use to way Korean schools work" he smiles gleefully, Tae frowns and shakes his head, "Yeah...sure maybe"
The two held tightly on the bus poles.



"Is she cute?"

Taehyung scoffs and shoves his friend causing him to fall onto the lap of a sleeping old man, "Ah you brat!"

"Oh sorry sir!"

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