Chapter 2

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It all started with me, but Danny was the one who saved me...or I saved Danny.

I was the laughing stock of the school. I got picked on, bullied, and I cut to try and help. One day, I needed more. More than cutting, more than talking to someone, and I felt like I wanted to die. So, I tried.

I walked home feeling the numbness in my body from what I was about to do when I open the door. I saw my house, I was right infront of it. I took a deep breath and opened the door. While I was walking I was crying as well. So a soon as I open my home door I ran to the bathroom.

I cried. Leaning over the bath tub and slowly reaching for the handle to turn the tub up, filling it with water. Sitting my blade on the side of the bath I took my clothes off and sat in the bath. As tears were streaming down my face I glanced at the blade and thought about my day. Laying down in the bath and taking the blade.

One cut

Two cut

Three cut


I was bleed ing so much and I cut so deep. Blood was everywhere. I felt like I was bleeding out and started dozing off. I thought it was the end, until I head screaming. My mom walked in and called for me but no answer. Walking into the bathroom she saw me almost dead. Screaming she picked me up out of the bath and got her phone out of her back pocket and dialed 911.

I remember her exact words while she was by my side in the ambulance.

"Sweet heart please stay with me...I need you, so be strong your a very strong young lady and I lo-love y-you." She stuttered in compleat tears. Makeup was all over her face.

I wanted to tell her I WAS strong and that I WOULD stay with her, but I couldn't. The numbness had flooded all the way through me and I could move. The most movement I could do was blink. I could feel the tears from her eyes dripping on me.

Finally, we arrived to the hospital and I was immediately rushed to the ER. It all happened so leaving the ambulance was just a blink and I was being hooked up to IV's and getting fluids. I could here the doctor telling my mom to get out of the room, but she refused. She stayed by my side through this whole thing.


I laid there for 2 days without moving. Until I guess I decided to just wake up. I was surprised I was still alive and also surprised about how healthy I felt. I was awake again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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