The First Picnic

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When Richie woke, Jon was no longer in the bed, but dressed and sitting outside, similar to what he'd been doing this morning. He felt refreshed, maybe not with his thoughts, but at least he wasn't bone weary any longer. He stretched hard, groaning and yawning loudly, drawing Jon's attention inside. Richie sat on the side of the bed and scrubbed at his face, oblivious to the fact the towel had come loose.

"What time is it?" he asked as Jon came inside.

"Almost 6," Jon said, ruffling Richie's hair as he walked past. "You must have been tired. I've already been to get some wine. Figured we'd get burgers to go and have a picnic on the beach."

"You've been out?" Richie asked, still a little sleep-foggy.

"Yeah," Jon smiled fondly. "You were pushing up z's. I just locked you in."

Jon passed him a glass of water first, making sure he drank it all before handing over a cold glass of wine.

"Oh that's good," Richie smacked his lips as he tasted the wine before placing the glass on the bedside table. He rose off the bed, grabbed the still damp towel and headed to the bathroom naked with Jon's eyes following him.

When he emerged a few moments later, he reached for a pair of shorts and pulled them on.

"Did you sleep much, Jonny?" Richie asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Enough," Jon nodded. "While I was out I also bought a beach blanket to sit on. I figured it won't go astray while we're travelling."

"Good thinking," Richie said, taking another drink of the white wine. "What time do you want to head out?"

"Whenever you're up for it," Jon said, walking back outside to sit. He was picking at his fingers, like he usually did when he was anxious or nervous.

Richie sensed something was up with Jon, but he wasn't coherent enough to be able to pinpoint the problem. He grabbed his glass and guitar and wandered outside to join Jon in the courtyard.

They sat in silence, both lost in their own thoughts but unconsciously playing the same songs as the sky started to soften. Richie's stomach growled lustily. Jon shot him a startled glance before they both laughed.

"I guess you're ready for dinner, huh?" Jon chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess so," Richie replied, "Do you want me to drive since I've only had a half glass?" He indicated to his glass as he stood up.

"I'd say we could walk, but then the food would be cold by the time we got back," Jon nodded.

They readied themselves and within a few minutes were in the car and pulling out of the driveway to head into the township. Jon directed Richie to the shop and pulled into a car park just outside the door.

They ordered two burgers with the works, intrigued with the concept of beetroot, pineapple and a fried egg as toppings, and a side order of hot chips. They waited for their meal to be made out the back of the shop, music blaring loudly from one of the Cairns radio stations.

They looked at each other and started chuckling when "Wanted" started playing. They listened to the guy cooking the burgers sing along to their song in an off-key warble at the top of his lungs. The girl behind the counter had been watching them and gave them a curious look of slight recognition as she handed over their completed order.

Sensing that their cover was soon to be blown, Jon smiled, lowered his sunglasses and winked at the girl, crooking his finger at her. When she leaned forward, he kissed the surprised girl on the cheek and quickly signed her order pad. Richie, who was holding the order in one large hand, laughed and signed the docket too. With a "Thanks, darlin'" they both quickly headed out of the shop leaving the girl gaping from shock.

The trip back was short, though it felt longer with the aroma of fresh burgers filling their nostrils. They quickly grabbed the blanket, wine bottle and glasses, kicked off their shoes and headed down to the beach to eat.

Jon spread the blanket out at the base of a palm tree where the lawn met the sand. They sat, Richie spreading the food out, Jon pouring the wine. They opened the wrappers on their burgers, marvelling at the stack of food within the bread roll. Fried onion juice, mingled with pineapple and beetroot juices and ran down their fingers and arms, the egg yolk joining the party once bitten into.

"Mm- my god! This is delicious," Richie moaned in appreciation and licked his lips.

"You're just really hungry," Jon mumbled with his mouth full.

"Don't you like it?" Richie asked. He tried picking up his glass with two of his less sticky fingers, but ended up getting it dirty anyway.

"It's weird," was all Jon answered.

"It's like the main meal and dessert in one juicy burger," Richie chortled, snagging a hot chip and popping it in his mouth.

"Aw I wanted to be your dessert," Jon flirted before inhaling a mouthful of chips. "I like the fries."

"Yeah, they taste like chicken," Richie picked one up. "Look, yellow salt?" He shrugged before biting into it.

Before long the food was gone; Jon had been hungrier than he thought. Rolling up the papers and bags, Richie walked away looking for a rubbish bin.

When he got back, Jon was down at the water's edge washing his hands. He watched as Jon made his way back up the beach toward him, his hair being whipped away from his face. He smiled upon seeing Richie waiting for him and Richie's heart flip-flopped in his chest.

"Hey you," Jon said slipping his arms around Richie's waist and softly kissing his lips. Pulling back, Jon reached up and gently swept the hair from Richie's eyes, searching for something before pulling him in again, deepening the kiss as they stood in the fading light.

"Mmm you taste good," Jon smacked his lips, "A bit like a burger." He moved from away Richie and sat on the blanket using the tree as a backrest. He patted the spot between his legs. "Come and sit with me Rich." He poured more wine and gave Richie his glass when he'd sat down.

Richie leaned back against Jon, cradled within his bent legs, resting his head on his shoulder. They both sipped at their wine as the evening drew in around them. The moon rose from the horizon casting a pale glow over the beach, the milky way spread across the sky, sparkling brightly.

"Rich?" Jon breathed into Richie's ear. Jon had been playing absently with Richie's long hair and nuzzling into his neck as they sat in a comfortable silence.


"Do you know how much I've wanted to run my fingers through your hair like this? To kiss your sweet lips and hold you in my arms?" Jon murmured his sweet nothings into Richie's ear, punctuating each comment with a kiss to his neck.

Richie shivered with goosebumps as Jon's hot breath ghosted over his neck. He chuckled lightly and said, "Sounds like a song lyric, Jonny."

They both fell silent as they unconsciously worked the words in their minds, independently sorting and arranging them.

"What about-" Richie spoke up first. "What I'd give to run my fingers through your hair, to touch your lips and hold you near?"

"That's great Rich, but we're on vacation. We shouldn't be working." Jon kept stroking his hair.

"Then stop whispering the perfect lines in my ear, babe," Richie grinned up at Jon over his shoulder.

"My great seduction lines, huh?" Jon grinned. "Are they working, Rich?"

"Always, baby," Richie said softly. "Always."

He turned sideways in Jon's legs and gently kissed him. The softness of the evening paled in comparison to Jon's mouth as his lips slid across them over and over again. His hand slipped under Jon's shirt and over his belly, up to his chest, sifting his fingers through the hair to find a nipple and barely brushing his thumb over it.

Jon moved to straddle Richie's lap as he continued his gentle exploration. "Oh I love that," Jon sighed. "I'll die a happy man if you do that everyday." They spent more time kissing and finding out where each other liked to be touched as the stars came out and the breeze picked up.

"I'm glad we have this time together Jonny," Richie said when they pulled away finally. Somehow they had ended up lying down on the blanket.

"Me too," Jon replied, "but I'm starting to get a bit chilled. I think I got too much sun today. Do you mind if we head inside?"

"Not at all," Richie said, and checked his watch. "Damn, it's almost midnight. We've been out here for ages." He disentangled himself and stood up, holding his hand out to help Jon up. They gathered up the glasses and bottle and shook out the blanket.

"Geez Rich, what did you do to my ass in the shower today?" Jon groaned as they started walking back to the room hand in hand. "It hurts, man."

"Oh! Um- yeah- about that, I ah- " Richie hesitated, he'd forgotten his lust had caused him to be a little rough with his fingers, "Yeah, you're going to be bruised, Jonny. Consider it payback for the scratches."

Leaving the blanket outside on the chairs, they cleaned up the glassware before they readied themselves for sleep.

"Fuck! Look at those bruises!" Jon gasped when he saw his naked ass in the bathroom mirror.

Richie made it to bed first and waited in the dark for Jon to join him, the paleness of his skin from his hips to his knees a contrast to his top half. Richie couldn't help but chuckle.

"Chuckle it up, big boy," Jon smirked, climbing in beside Richie.

"Damn it Jonny, I wouldn't have done it if your ass wasn't so goddamn perfect!" Richie chuckled and tried to get his hands on said perfect ass, which turned into a tickle fight.

"Can we not go at each other like wildcats every time?" Jon wondered out loud. "Like on the beach tonight. That was nice."

"Maybe not for the first few decades," Richie answered.

Jon laughed as Richie resumed his torture with his fingers.

He ended up on top of Jon at the end of their brief tussle and with a sigh and a kiss, he whispered, "I love you, Jonny."

"I love you too, Rich," Jon smiled, and with a yawn said, "Now roll over and go to sleep, babe."

Richie rolled off Jon and onto his side, Jon snuggling in behind him and wrapping his arms around him, falling asleep almost instantly. Richie followed shortly after that, lulled to sleep by the feel of Jon's breath on his shoulder.

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