The First Role Play

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Richie backed the car into the garage and as soon as the engine had stopped, he pushed open the door and walked around to Jon's door and opened it. Jon handed him the large bag emblazoned with the Devil's Heaven logo before stepping out of the car. Richie took Jon's good hand and they slowly walked the dozen steps to the front door.

"I had a great time tonight, regardless of the chaos in the middle," Jon stood leaning back against the door in a pool of moonlight, his injured hand tucked in the hollow of his back.

"Me too," Richie agreed, as he scuffed the toe of his shoe against the step. "Jon?"

"Hmm?" Jon chewed on his bottom lip, looking expectantly at Richie.

"I'd really like to kiss you right now," Richie said, breathless in anticipation. Damn it, he was actually nervous.

They'd both slipped easily into the role playing and truth be told, it was kinda hot with Jon playing the equivalent of a shy teenager on a first date. He made a note to later find out Jon's thoughts on exploring the idea of role playing another time.

"Oh!" Jon let out a surprised little gasp, before he nodded his head mutely.

Richie bent to place the glossy bag at their feet. He straightened and reached for Jon's hand, the uninjured one, and linked their fingers together, leaning forward to chastely touch his lips to Jon's. He resisted the urge with all his might, when Jon let out a little moan, to push him up against the door and plunder his mouth savagely.

Jon's injured hand fluttered around Richie's bicep, unsettled. He drew back regretfully. "Oh that was nice," Jon sighed. "I- I wouldn't mind if you wanted to do that again. Maybe for a bit longer?"

"Okay, we can do that," Richie smiled. "I'm glad you liked it, by the way."

He felt the moonlight must have been casting a spell over them, sending them back to a beginning they didn't have a chance to experience. Neither of them were rushing, happy to be in the moment, as though this was their first date.

He swallowed and wet his lips nervously before taking Jon's again, gently sliding over them softly as his tongue briefly darted out to taste Jon's bottom lip, not daring to break through just yet. He moved his hands to Jon's hips as Jon's good hand slid over his chest to his shoulder and up to his neck. He pulled on Jon's bottom lip a little as he let go and noted with satisfaction that Jon's breathing had become slightly more erratic.

He waited patiently for Jon's eyes to meet his, the moonlight reflecting beautifully in the midnight blue depths in the dark. He saw their future in his eyes, the power of that moment hitting him as surely as the sucker-punch earlier.

Role play be damned now! His hands came up to cup Jon's face, careful not to open up his wounds again, taking a step closer forcing Jon to stand a little straighter against the door. Their breathing became laboured as he nuzzled his nose against Jon's, his thumbs dragging through his soft beard.

Jon's fingers clutched painfully into the hair at the nape of his neck in agitation. "Richie!"

Jon's sigh- dare he say it was music to his ears? He didn't feel as though that was worthy enough to describe how it sounded to him.

Richie needed this man now as much as he needed the air to breathe. Need: To crave. To hunger for. To thirst for. To long for. To die for. He would have gladly laid down his life for Jon's tonight.

With a small sob lodged in his throat, he claimed Jon's mouth with a ferocity that almost scared him. Jon welcomed his ravaging kiss, however, with no hesitation. His mouth opened willingly to allow Richie's tongue to delve deep, dragging it along the roof of Jon's mouth.

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