Real life

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Gigi pov:

Today was the day where everything would change. And I never felt more disappointed in myself than now. It was shitty how I said 'Goodbye' to Kendall. But to be honest, I didn't know what to do. I'm sure she thought that I wanted to left her.

Since this one day, I didn't see her anymore. She wasn't even online on Instagram or Snapchat. And since this day, I didn't want to leave the country. I wanted to stay with her forever. Till I die and then I still wan to love and annoy her. Damn, I learnt to love this girl a lot. 

I would stay, but my father already bought the tickets. I just wished I could turn back time. Or be a child again. As a kid was everything so easy. You had no worries, you could do whatever you want, you didn't feel this 'real' love and especially you didn't care about the new trends, how people look or what they think of you.

2019 is a shitty year. I didn't even realize that the world turned darker and darker over the years. Everyone has to be perfect, you need curves, big boobs and a big ass. Big lips, small nose and unique eyes. 

But people are already unique. They're wonderful. Small lips are wonderful, a big nose is wonderful, little boobs and a little ass are beautiful as well. You don't need unique eyes. Personality is the thing, that matters. It doesn't matter if this human is thin, normal or thick. I don't know, why people have still a problem with Homosexuality or 'Perfection'. We all are the same and we all are from the same blood.

I sighed and started to pack my suitcase. I will fly tonight and I just wished, this would be a little vacation. But it wasn't and I knew, Kendall would never be mine. She would never be my girlfriend.

"You're alright?" my Dad came into the room and I nodded. "Yeah, probably I lost the love of my life and she'll find someone better than me, but yeah, I'm alright. Except that I'm scared that I'll never see her again," I said and sit down on my bed. 

My dad took a seat beside me and put a arm around my shoulders, so that I could lean myself against him. "You know, that you can stay here? I'll buy you a house so that you don't have to stay with your homophobic mother. You could stay here to be with this Kendall girl. You just need to say something. I'd do anything to make my princess happy! And I think, that you're not happy, when you come with me. Of course I would love that, but be honest Gigi, you love this girl with all of your heart. I'll visit you more because I want to be a good father. I want my girl to be happy. We can travel one time through the world, but maybe with your girlfriend then," he told me and I looked up to him with sad eyes

"No, I want to be with you. I love you, Dad. And you already bought the tickets, it would be so mean when I don't come with you now. I want this. I'm sure I'll find someone new.", "Don't say that, Gigi. She's your first love and she seems to be a really good girl. Take the chance. I don't care about the tickets. I care about your happiness!"


Hey, you're beautiful in every way you are, just wanted to say that :) 

𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄〔𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐱 𝐠𝐢𝐠𝐢〕Where stories live. Discover now