New apartment

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"Ah! Home Sweet Home!" Kat yelled as we all walked into the apartment. We all laughed at Kat.
     "Lily Come On we gotta go get ready to meet with the guy for the new apartment." Colby dragged me to his room. He closed the door and shoved me against it.
    "Colby," I whispered.
    He kissed me and i kissed back. We stood there for a couple minutes till i pulled away to breath.
    "Colby we gotta get ready. We look like crap." I looked into his eyes.
    He sighed, "Alright lets go," Colby pulled away and went to his closet.
    I was looking around the room for my other suit case, "Babe? Were is my other suit case with my clothes?"
    Colby went and grabbed it. It was in the closet. "Here,"
    "Thanks," I went threw and found clothes. "Colby don't turn around I'm changing," Colby nodded and stayed in the closet. I changed into this.

"Alright all done," Colby turned around

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"Alright all done," Colby turned around.
    "Alright you turn around now," I turned around and went on my phone. "Alright your good now." I turned around to see Colby wearing this.

I put my phone into my pocket and grabbed my wallet

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I put my phone into my pocket and grabbed my wallet. Colby did the same. He went to his dresser and sprayed cologne on him self.
    "Ready?" He asked walking to his door. I nodded my head. Colby opened the door for me, I walked out and he followed and closed the door. We went to the living room were Sam and Kat were sitting out o the couch. "Hey, Will you guys be home in like an hour or so?" COlby walked over to the couch.
"Umm ya why?" Sam asked "Hey L"
I smiled, "i wanted to know so i dont have to bring my keys. We are going to be going to see the apartment down the hall for Lily to Live in,"
"Oh alright bye," Sam went back to looking for a movie with Kat. Colby took my hand and we walked out of the apartment to the elevator. We went to the lobby and we went to the front desk.
"Hello. How may i help you?" The girl asked. She was new you could tell.
I smiled and Colby talked, "Hello is Flynn here? We are here to look at apartment 215."
"He is let me go get him," She smiled at Colby and walked away.
Colby grabbed my hand again. He could tell i was a little bit nervous. I get a little nervous around new people.
A man came out with the girl again, He walked up to Colby and I, "Ahh Mr. Brock. See you got a lovely girl with you today. Hello I'm Flynn," He held his hand out for me to shake.
I took it, "Lillian" I let his hand go and he went to talk to Colby.
"Alright Brock. What are you down here for this time?" Flynn turned to Colby.
He chuckled, "We are here to look at apartment 215 right next to the apartment i live in currently."
Flynn laughed, "Why are you going to move?"
"We would like to. Sam and Kat want that apartment to them selves so Lily and I though we would move in 215 if we can get it." Flynn stated to lead Colby and I to the elevator.
"Alright well lets go see. I dont see why not. Your a good boy and i bet she is a good girl to. Tell me Something about yourself Lily." Flynn pushed the bottom to the 4th floor.
"Umm..." I didnt know what to say, I looked at Colby.
He caught the hint, "She is a twin to Jake. You like him." Colby squeezed my hand.
"ahh yes he is a young fellow." The doors opened and Flynn lead us to the room, "Alright so this is a 2 bedroom apartment. It has a brand new kitchen with all new appliances. There are 2 bathrooms. One is attached to the master bedroom." He was leading us around the house while talking. "The master bedroom has the master bathroom attached with the master closet. So this also has a loft and a balcony." We walked into the room that is supposed to be the living room. "So you guys wanna talk numbers?"

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