How Belles and Bailey's Life Started

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Belle was on her morning stroll like she did every morning. She did it because it reminded her of how she met her husband Bailey. She likes to call it love at first sight. Bailey and she met when he lived on the other side of the border in Clarksville TN  right next to her town of Nashville TN. She would walk to the border to see a friend of hers. Her friend work on a plantation that allowed African Americana to live on his property as long as they worked for him. Her friends name is Nova. Everyone that lived on her side hated that Belle would show up and show kindness to the African Americans.

On this day that Belle made her trip she made eye contact with the most handsome man in the world. Nova introduced him as Bailey they live on the same plantation. From the moment Bailey seen Belle he knew he was going to marry her. The three of them started talking the rest of the day. Belle noticed that is was getting dark and need to rush home before her father did even if African Americans were free he still hated them. she could never figurer out why; Bailey didn't want her to leave and asked when he could see her again all she said was soon and that's how they came to be.

From time to time Belle would visit through out the week Bailey just loved to talk to her. Belle loved the way he made her laugh and felt like the world would disappear around them. One night Belle was late getting home and her father John was not happy about that he locked her in her room. John was not a nice man he was angry all the time. One night he was so drunk and blinded by rage he hit Belle so hard he knocked her off her feet. She got up and ran from the house she knew where she was going she could walk the road with her eyes closed. She made it to the border and sat down and cried she cried herself to sleep. When the next morning can Bailey and Nova made their way to the border where they found Bella asleep against the fence.

They woke her asking if she was okay that when Bailey seen the hand print on her cheek. He was so mad that he crossed to her side and hugged her to him and never wanted to let go. When she told them what had happened he new he need to get her away from her father so they came up with a plan to get her away from him. Bailey got a job work as a bartender at a bar in Nashville he saved so much money that he bought a house for them. They planned to get married Belle loved the idea because she was in love with him. There was a new law that just got passed on June 12 1967 called Loving v. Virginia decision said that which struck down laws that banned inter-racial marriages as unconstitutional. So they took their shot and got married. so this is their story of how their life was after the fact.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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