Chapter 11: Storm

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9 months of peace had past by for Eden. She and Axl were completely head over heels in love as her bump grew larger. Axl had taken up a job as a servant at a night club in France. And Eden stayed home watching movies like she used to until Axl had returned home. She was at peace with the new life she had. Still from time to time she thought about Carter, but she had to forget.

Eden sometimes also took nightly runs in her wolf form at night with Axl when he returned home. It became their own tradition. Axl had taught Eden how to tap into her wolf side and fully embrace it. She loved running with the love of her life. She didn't expect herself to fall in love with Axl, but it happened. And she didn't regret it one bit.

As for Carter, he was going on his deadly rampages with Claire. They raided New Orleans each night releasing a wave of terror. They left piles of bodies on each corner of New Orleans. This was what many feared. When those two were together, they were reckless. Carter was taking in every minute of having Claire back but he couldn't help but feel like something was missing. He knew what it was, but he was too afraid to admit it. So he acted out.

One night, Eden was preparing herself for bed. She had just finished cooking dinner for Axl and decided she wanted to sleep early tonight. She wobbled her way towards her room and was going to go to bed. But suddenly, she heard a knock at the door. Eden wondered if Axl had come back early and forgotten his key. She threw on a black top and headed towards the door. Once she opened the door, she saw a red headed lady. It took her a moment for her to realize it was Mara.

"Mara!" Eden cried as she jumped into her arms. "I've missed you."

Mara pulled away and entered the home. As Eden shut the door, Mara examined the space Eden and Axl had created. She was proud of Eden for moving away and starting a new life. But she had bad news to bear to Eden. She turned to face Eden who was smiling cheek to cheek.

Mara sighed, "I'm afraid I have very bad news."

"What happened?" Eden asked.

"We have to go back to New Orleans," Mara blurted out.


"The witches traced my magic," Mara explained. "They're trying to find you. And any minute now they'll be here to kill you and your—-"

Suddenly, Eden felt a strong contraction. She dropped to the floor screaming in agony as her eyes turned yellow. She could feel the pain coming from her stomach. The liquids ran down her legs sending Mara a signal on what was happening. Eden was about to go into labor.

 Eden was about to go into labor

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"Mara!" Eden cried. "Help me!"

"We've got to get you to New Orleans now," Mara said as she helped Eden stand. "I'll transport you there with my magic. Carter's home has a sealed spell that only that can protect you to have a safe labor."

"What about Axl?!" Eden cried as she tried to refrain from screaming. She was sadden. She wasn't ready to say goodbye to the life she known in France. And she wasn't ready to face Carter. She never thought in a million years she would ever have to see him again. But it was important. She had to follow Mara's instructions if she wanted the baby that was on the way to be safe.

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