vent one

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I've been feeling left out lately I'm usually left alone of left out of conversation and no one really notices I'm there...

its kinda frustrating sometimes I act like I'm fine but truth is I'm not I don't tell anyone because I get asked all these questions and then people get upset with each other and stuff that's why I don't tell anyone sure I'll make jokes on it a little to see if anyone even takes notice at it hell it was my username for lots of things for almost a month did anyone notice no no they didn't only person I told about this is one of my friends I hang out with alot at school and talk them really good friend by the way even tho they purposely spam me sometimes it actually cheers me up like they knows the perfect time to spam me with memes and stuff at school they would cheer me up when people bullied me and stuff
So thanks for that

Feel free to vent about your problems in the comments I'll try to get back to you when I can

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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