The Dance

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Kirishima's POV
"Listen Up. I am here to inform y'all that on Friday, there will be a dance for you guys. Since I already know some of you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, or a person you might wanna ask, the teachers have decided to let you bring a date." Mr. Aizawa Explained in his normal tired, monotone voice. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone's hand shoot up into the air. Iida. "Sir, I don't think it's appropriate to allow us fifteen and sixteen-year-olds bring a date. It could go overboard, don't you think, Mr. Aizawa?" Iida said, pushing up his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Oh, come on Iida! Why you gotta ruin it? Everyone else is perfectly fine with it, right guys?" Kaminari protested. Everyone started to agree with him. Even, to my surprise, Bakugou. "Wait, you too, bakubro? I didn't know you cared about dating and that kinda stuff." I said. "There is a lot of things you don't know about me, shitty hair." He said. Great! I assume that means that now I know he is into that kinda stuff, I might have a chance! But just to be sure... "Um, Bakugou? Can I talk to you later? Like after school, maybe?" I said. He just stared at me for a few seconds, then said "Whatever, Shitty Hair. You can come over to my dorm." He said. "Really? Thank you!" I said, running over to him and hugging him. I noticed he started blushing. "It's ok, bro! I don't bite, I promise." "Ok, there, sharky. Let me go, please." He said calmly. I noticed that Katsuki is calmer around me than he is with anyone else. But I just brushed it off, not thinking too much of it. "Oh, yeah. Sorry." I let go and went back to my seat. I looked up from my desk to see Kamanari and Mina walking to my desk. " Dude." "What's wrong?" I asked. "Dude, you are literally the only person in the entire school that Katsuki lets anywhere close to him without exploding. Do you know what this means, dude?" "Yeah, and he said 'please' to you, Kiri," Mina added. "I will be completely honest with you, I have no idea what you guys are talking about," I replied. "It means he either is going to try to earn you trust, then kill you, or he likes you!" He exclaimed. "What? Bro, you're crazy. Bakugou would never like someone like me." I said looking down at my desk again. "Dude, you should be excited! You like him so-" "Ok, I get it." I said shushing him. He was talking a little too loud for my liking at the moment. I thought about it for a second.  "Here, if this will get you guys off my back, " I sigh. "When I go over to his dorm, I'll ask him if he has a crush on someone." I finished. "YOU'RE GOING TO HIS DORM?!" Mina screamed at the top of her lungs. Everyone looked at me and Mina, including Denki. "You're going to who's a house, Kirishima?" Izuku asked me."I, um, I told Mina that, I'm going to my older brother's house, and she was surprised because her older sister is a really good friend of my brother's." I lied. "Um, ok. Not so sure why Mina screamed at the top of her lungs but," He replied. Then everyone went back to what they were doing. I punched Mina as hard as I could as soon as everyone looked the other way, with my quirk activated. "Ow! What the hell, Kiri?!" She yelped in pain. "Payback for that big mouth of yours." I snapped. "If your kids are just here to talk then I suggest you leave now." Mr. Aizawa said as he walked into the classroom. Everyone immediately sat down and got quite. "Oh, and also, the dance is tomorrow. Class Dismissed." He said. "Tomorrow?" I whispered to myself. Everyone started to gather their stuff and was on there a way to the dorms. I looked at the doorway to see Bakugou waiting for me. "Thanks for waiting," I said. "Whatever, " He said. "Um, Katsuki? Are we allowed to go to our houses on a Thursday?" "Does it look like I give a fuck?" He asked sarcastically." Probably not, I just didn't want to get in trouble." I mumbled, thinking he could hear me, but he did. "Tch, fine. We can go to my dorm, then. My mom would have been super annoying if she saw you anyway." He sighed. We walked in silence to his dorm. After three minutes of walking, we made it. He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. He pulled out his phone and called his mom. "Mom, I'm at my dorm with a friend. I will come home tomorrow, promise." He called through the phone. "Come on," He said, shoving his hands into his pockets. We walked into his room and sat on his bed. Then he looked at me and said, "What did you wanna talk about?" "Well, one of the questions was if you have a crush." I asked shyly. "Uhh, Yeah." He hesitated. "Do you?" He asked. "Yeah." I said quickly. "But one of the main reasons I wanted to talk to you is to ask why you are so calm and gentle around me, but not so much around other people." I said. He was silent for a few seconds before answering. "How do I say this? Um, I'm calmer around you because..." He stopped. "Because of you..." I repeated to signal him to keep going. "Because... I-i Like you, Kiri." He blushed, really hard. "Like, romantically?" I asked. "Yeah." We were silent for what felt like forever before I spoke. "Katsuki, That's actually what I was trying to tell you. I like you, too." "Are you lying to me to make me feel better or are you serious?" He questioned. "Of course I'm serious! Why would anyone joke about this kinda thing?" Did I say? He was quiet for a few seconds before asking, "Well, then. Will you go to the dance with me?" He blushes again. "Yesyesyeysyesyes!" I jumped up and down with excitement. Then a question popped into my head that I needed to know. "Wait, what are we then? Are we dating or we still friends or-" I was cut off when I felt Bakugou's hand on my face and felt soft lips on mine. You wouldn't think he would have soft lips based on his personality. I think I might just die right now.

Katsuki's POV
"Wait, what are we then? Are we dating or are still friends or-" I couldn't take it anymore. I just took her face and kissed her. I noticed she wasn't sure what to do with her hands, so I took her hands, not breaking the kiss, and put them on my shoulders. We pulled apart so we could catch our breath. "Oi, that was amazing," I said breathlessly. "Yeah." She agreed. "Wanna go for round two?" I asked with a grin. "Of course." She said as she jumped on my lap and kissed me. This time she figured out where to put her hands and put them around my neck. I moved my hands to her hair, tugging at it a little, causing her to moan quietly. I broke the kiss for a few seconds to ask her something. "What was that, Kiri?" I whispered in her ear. "You pulled my hair. I j-just-" She tried to explain. "Shh," I said as I put a finger on her lips.
                      -Smut Begins-
We went back to where we were. The kiss got more heated the more time went by. She moved her hands to my uniform shirt and started to unbutton it. She pulled it off of me and rubbed her hands on my abs. "Why, Mister. What big abs you have." She teased. Then her facial expression went serious. "Take off the pants. I got the boxers myself." She commanded. I did as I was told. She looked me dead in the eyes as she moved her hands down to the hem of my boxers. She yanked them down, exposing my throbbing dick. "Look at this." She said, stroking it. I let out a low groan. "You like that, baby?" She asked. "Yeah, but now it's my turn," I said as I flipped her over so that I was on top and she was the bottom. "Quick moves." She said as she reached to unbutton her shirt, but I moved her hands over her head with one of my hands. With my other hand, I pulled the shirt over her head and pulled her skirt down and threw both to the bedroom floor. I moved both my hands to pull her up so I could unhook her bra. I move slowly just to see her reaction. "Will you move a little faster?" She asked, a little hint of irritation in her voice. "Beg," I said simply. "Fine." She said with a deep breath. "Please daddy. I will do anything just so that you can fuck me the way you want. I will suck your dick and grind on you and everything. Please Fuck me, daddy." She begged in her best little kid voice. "That's more like it," I said as I unhooked the bra and removed her underwear. After we were both naked, I went back to where we started. I got off of her, so she could sit up. "Well, " I said, breaking the kiss. "Well, what?" She asked. "Aren't you gonna do what you said you would?" I teased. "Whatever." She said as she got up from the bed and I stood up. She was on her knees and moved so she was in position. "You ready?" She asked. "Just go," I answered impatiently. With that, she started to lick the tip of my dick. Then she put the whole thing in her mouth and started sucking. "Mm." I groaned as I pulled her hair. Then I heard something. I noticed that she senses it too, but kept going. We heard it again and stopped. She pulled my dick out of her mouth and stood. "What the hell was that?" She asked. "Shh," I whispered. We stood there for a while before this happened.
???: "Yo, dude. I heard banging on the wall and wanted to make sure-

Kirishima: " Denki?"

Kamanari:*Smirking* "Is this a bad time?"

???: "Denki, what took you so-

Kirishima: " Mina?

Mina: *Holding back a giggle* " I just wanna say that I knew this was coming. I ship it."

Katsuki: " Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Dorm. Now, before I blast both of you all the way to hell.

Kirishima: "Calm down, Katsu. Your gonna draw more attention to this unnecessarily.

Kamanari and Mina: " Katsu? "

Kirishima: "You guys aren't helping.

???: " I knew I should have just done it my-

Kirishima: "You've got to be shitting me,

Katsuki: " Scotch Tape too?! What the hell is wrong with all of you? And how the fuck did you extra's get into my fucking dorm?!

Kirishima: "I hate to burst your bubble, but you left it unlocked.

Sero: " True. I was able to walk right in.

Kamanari: "So wanna explain what's going on here?
OH, MY FUCKING GOSH! Five years later I'm done. Sorry, it took so long. I had writer's block and yeah. Plus the smut was trash, but I'll keep working on it. Sorry again for taking five years. If it makes y'all feel better, this was 1715 words. Anyway, bye my loves. ~Uwu

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