Chapter 7 - Pizza Time

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            Word count: 1,240
You jumped at the sudden noise of the doorbell and pushed yourself away from Loki, who looked hurt, almost like a puppy. You jumped up off the couch and brushed off popcorn crumbs from your t-shirt. "Who's at the door, F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" It was probably the pizza.

"That would be the pizza you ordered, Miss Stark." Knew it. You stretched your arms and headed to the elevator. Usually you'd ask Happy to get it, but you needed to escape this situation. The awkwardness hung in the air like a thick fog, and you hated it. You tapped the silver ground floor button on the elevator and watched as the numbers on the side slowly climbed up until the elevator reached your floor and the doors opened to the empty silver room. You were half expecting to see the team in there, you weren't sure why. You rode the way down in silence, not like you could talk with anyone, or sing along with the elevator music, which seemed to be a music box- like cover of Umbrella.

Ding! The doors of the elevator opened up to the lobby, which was surprisingly empty at the time. A few people were running around the floor, clipboards or laptops in their hands. None of them were wearing security badges. Happy would have a fit.

You walked over to the front door, keeping your head down around the various people. It's not like you disliked them or anything, you just felt really awkward around Pepper and Tony's business people. You knew you'd probably end up taking over the industry some day, that was a thought of that filled you with pure dread. You reached the front door area and opened up the glass doors, keeping your head down as you thanked the pizza guy and took the pizza. You headed back to the elevator and got into the empty space, the smell of the pizza overpowering the very metallic smell most of the tower had, especially the elevators.

Ding! The elevator doors opened up to your floor, where Loki was sitting on the couch, his head buried in the Shining. You set the pizza box down on the coffee table and opened it up, breathing in the smell of the cheese. Loki looked up from his book and dog-eared the page he was on, interested in the pizza.

"Did you not have pizza on Asgard?" You asked as the box closed itself again and you took another bite of your slice. It was really good.

"I did not." Loki cautiously lifted up the top. "May I have a piece?" You nodded, taking another bite as he took his first, his emerald eyes lighting up as cheese hung from his slice.

"Why the Shining?" You asked, nodded towards Loki's book. "Not that it isn't good or anything, it just doesn't seem like your style." It was weird that he was reading the exact book you referenced earlier, even if you had technically referenced the movie.

"You did say that I needed to read the book before watching the movie, so I am." Loki took another bite of his pizza slice and set down the Shining as you reached for the remote. Did I mention it was the Shining? You thought, contemplating your earlier conversation. "You did not mention it out loud, but you did in your head. And that happens to be something I can read just as well." You nodded and took another bite of your pizza.

"Hey so, do you wanna talk about.." You gestured vaguely with your hands, choosing your words. "Earlier?" He seemed really hurt, and you really wanted to help.

"No." Loki took another bite of his pizza. "But, um- Thank you." It seemed like that was something he didn't say often. You smiled and bit into your slice, trying to hid your blush and probably failing.

"Don't worry about it." You shifted your attention when you heard the signature end credits music for the movie. It was over. "Do you wanna watch something else? I have a couple classics in mind but if you wanna leave, I can go as well-" You were cut short by Loki, who had finished his first slice of pizza.

"Don't leave." You caught a small shade of what you thought was pink on his cheeks, but it was gone before you could place it. "The movies. Don't leave me to choose my own movies. I have no idea what to pick, and you said you had classics, whatever those are." Loki reached for another slice of pizza.

"Oh! Yeah, I think you'll like this one." You held down the voice control on the remote and smiled. "Jurasic Park." It was either that or Star Wars, but Star Wars was a long series, and you didn't know how much longer you would stay awake. "It's pretty old, so all the effects and stuff aren't that great, but it's still a classic. There's dinosaurs and stuff." You finished your pizza slice and sat back into the couch to watched the movie in silence, sleep tugging on your eyelids as you tried to stay awake.

"Y/n?" Loki broke the silence like it was glass, he was about halfway done with his pizza slice already. He must really like it.

"Mhm?" You didn't turn to look at him, assuming the question was about the movie.

"Was there a reason you did not push me away earlier? Before you left." One thing was for sure. This was definitely not about the movie. The hug. You weren't entirely sure why you didn't shove Loki away when he pulled you in. You were sure it wasn't pity, it was almost like, you wanted to be in that hug. You wanted it to last forever.

"There- There was." You answered tiredly, realizing you were taking too long to reply. "I didn't want to push you away because it seemed like- it seemed like, from what you told me, that you've been pushed away too many times." You reached for your second pizza slice and shot a glance at the clock. It was late. No wonder you were so tired.

"No other reason?" Loki's mischievous smirk told you all you needed to know. He knew there was another reason.

"Nope. No other reason." You blinked, your eyes staying closed for a bit too long. Oh crap. You thought. I'm falling asleep, practically alone in the tower. But what could really go wrong? You thought, recalling what happened with Loki. I know I shouldn't trust him, but I do. Keeping your eyes open was becoming increasingly more and more difficult, untill you couldn't keep them open anymore. You leaned to the side, your eyes kept down as if they were weighted. What your head landed on didn't exactly feel like the couch, it was softer. But you didn't think about it too much, as you were already asleep.

Ok! Sorry for this being so late, although it is technically still Wednesday. I'm at a sleepaway camp right now, and barely get any free time that isn't spent sleeping, so I am trying to get these out on time and at least readable. I wasn't able to proofread this chapter due to time, so if you spot an issue, PLEASE comment it so I can get it fixed. Thank you, and have a lovely dovely day, my beautiful and shimmering readers!!

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