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Note: picture of Alana ^^ Today was our first day back. Usually people are excited for their first day, but I'm the complete opposite.

I crawled out of bed with every inch of might I had. I turned on the bathroom light and sat on the toilet to pee. I wiped myself then turned on the shower. While waiting I got on Instagram. As soon as the water was hot I plugged in my phone and played "who do you love" by YG.

When I got out the shower I did my hygiene stuff then went over to my closet. I put on my jersey dress, knee high's, and my Jordan Oreos.

I walked over to my vanity and put in my grills, I was lookin' GOOD! I decided to leave my hair wet because I liked how it looked. I put in some diamond studs, and headed downstairs.

When I got downstairs I could smell my momma cookin'!! When I walked In the kitchen I saw my momma was makings waffles with strawberries and whip cream, bacon, toast, and eggs. My favorite. "Istonko (hey) momma!"

"Hey baby."

"Is this for me??"

"Yeah, but leave some for your brother."

"Kay, thanks mama."

"Ya welcome."

Speaking of the devil, here comes my brother with his loud ass coming downstairs. "Hey fam!"

"Ew. Hey dummy."



When we got done eating we said bye to mama and daddy and got in my brothers car and headed off to school. Ew.

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