Chapter One

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Bakugou wasn't sure exactly what had gone wrong, but one moment he had been fighting back to back with Kirishima, and then the next moment Kirishima was flying past him and into a wall.

It hadn't been intentional, but Kirishima had lost his focus in the middle of a fight because he was too busy watching- see: gawking at- Bakugou fighting. The way he moved was just unfair, and Kirishima couldn't help himself but stare at the way Bakugou moved. His appreciative staring was cut short when the villain he had been fighting swept him off of his feet and punched him hard in the stomach before he had time to harden the skin there and brace for the impact. He went flying hard into the wall of the building behind them and felt pain shoot up his spine briefly before his head snapped back into the concrete as well and he blacked out immediately. 

Bakugou watched Kirishima hit the wall hard and fast, with a crunch that had his gut twisting uncomfortably. He blasted the two villains they had been fighting back with a large explosion to gain himself some time before running to his friend to check the damage.

"No, no, shit," Bakugou said. He glanced behind him to the villains, who were getting up and charging him again, getting closer. They were pissed. He looked back at Kirishima, who hadn't stirred and was bleeding rather heavily from the back of his head. He wouldn't be able to get Kirishima lifted and carry him away in time to make a clean getaway, and he couldn't fight well while holding Kirishima- the man was made of muscle and therefore rather heavy. He looked around for another option; he didn't want to leave Kirishima bleeding on the ground. He saw someone walking in the distance and immediately recognized the electric yellow hair of Denki Kaminari. 

"Sparky!" Bakugou called, waving him over. Kaminari noticed him and changed his direction but didn't seem to understand what was happening. It was almost as if he couldn't see the two villains approaching. "Kaminari!" He tried again, and this time, the blond seemed to notice. It was almost as if hearing his real name instead of a nickname from Bakugou snapped Kaminari out of his trance. He glanced at Kirishima, who was pulled half on top of Bakugou, and his eyes widened. Then he looked at the villains running at Bakugou and realized what he had to do. 

"Oi!" he yelled to the villains, despite the fact he seemed to be swaying on his feet. He sent a quick smile to Bakugou and continued. "Blasty, go! Get Kiri to the medical tents and get behind something while I do this." He said something else but it was too quiet for Bakugou to make out. He nodded and picked up Kirishima up before fleeing behind a wall. The villains were now more interested in this new person who had shown up and didn't bother giving chase. There were a few moments of silence before three screams rang out along with the unmistakable sound of electricity crackling. One of those screams definitely belonged to Kaminari, and Bakugou made a mental note to go back for him. 

Why did all of his friends have to be so self-sacrificing?

Bakugou grit his teeth and draped Kirishima better over his back before continuing. He ducked through shadows and behind rubble in an attempt to stay hidden while he carried his friend to the medical tents. He didn't want another fight. 

When he got to the medical area, there were three nurses on him immediately. They asked him what had happened as they took Kirishima from him, then ushered him off to fight again. Bakugou just let them, having faith that his best friend was strong enough to survive this. 

That was what he loved about Kirishima. He was able to adapt to anything, he kept up with Bakugou and held him back when things were too dangerous. He was able to hold his own and matched Bakugou's own passion. His care for his friends was great, and his big heart usually ended him up in bad situations. But to Bakugou, there was nothing that he would change about the red head. 

You Dumb Idiots // a kiribaku and kamisero storyWhere stories live. Discover now