love of my life

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then dustin spoke up.

   " i have an idea."

we all looked at him waiting for him to say his idea, "walk with me." he said as he started climbing out of the window.

"are you gonna tell us?" i said impatiently.

he ignored what i just said then said "remember when suzie put her radio on a certain frequency and everyone could hear our conversation?" dustin said

"and your lovely duet." lucas said making max laugh— "bite me." dustin snapped back.

Lucas opens his mouth to clap back but max butted in. " guys y/n could be dead or close to it by now." when she said that i got a flashback


' love of my life, you've hurt me. you broken my heart and now you leave me. love of my life can't you see, bring it back bring it back.'

"mike." y/n said faintly. i looked up looking into her eyes which shined as bright as the sun.

"you- you make me feel alive... like, lik-e im not dead. you make me feel not as undead as i am." she said her eyes scanning mine then going down to my lips.

"im happy i make you-"

flashback over*
she was the love of my life, i want to announce to the group that we're dating.

"mike!!" i heard my name be called out. it was max.

"can you.. like not be daydreaming for a second. our friend is missing, i know you don't like her but-" she was saying then i interrupted her.

"i gave you a chance didn't i?" i said now angry. " don't give me that bullshit, i want her back as much as the rest of us." i said walking away.

"okay anyways so basically we will go as close as we can to troy's house and then our frequency should connect with his walkie." dustin said as we nodded.

i hope this works.

y/n's pov.

my whole body ached and now im starting to feel the pain forming in the temple of my head. am i dying? is this what dying feels like. you're already dead, the venom stopped your heart and made you thirst  for blood for eternity.

"yeah, she's here. yeah she's awake." i heard a voice say, i fluttered my eyes open then closed them not being used to the bright lights in the room.

"hey!— don't pretend to be asleep. i know you're awake." i heard the same voice say again.

"im not pretending dumbass." i said anger because i could feel the bruising on my wrists starting to form.

"i have to go to the bathroom." i lied. i had to think of something to escape. he looked at me with surprise for this eyes.

"did you not think this through... at all?" i asked and he looked at me dismissing me, he then walked away and picked up a walkie.

"boss, she needs to go to the bathroom. what do i do." as he talked to the walkie, it reminded me of mike.

i missed him, i wondered if he knew i was gone or if he even missed me, even if he did knew i was gone i would still forgive him.

let them believe that
*flash back*

"are you embarrassed of me?" i asked regretting the answer as soon as it came out of my mouth.
   "what?" he asked, i looked into his eyes wishing i knew what he was thinking.
"you heard me." i said—- " no im not. it's just our friends don't know what we are and you're leaning against a locker acting like we're friends."

his words felt like knifes  going through my skin and i would rather much enjoy them than looking into his eyes and watching the words come out of his mouth.

"i-i didn't mean it like that."— "save it." i said leaning off the locker, tears ready to fall down from my eyes, mike opened his mouth to say something but i said something first.

"you know what sucks? i really thought you were different. it hurts that i set myself for disappointment each time."


i sighed at the thought. my sadness turned into anger as i felt mr no name staring at me. my eyes faded into crimson red and my fangs grew out. mr no face looked at me like i had three heads or some abnormal quality, i pulled and my hands were now no longer restricted, he looked at me with shock and fear written over his face. "how'd you do that?" he asked as i looked down at my wrists where they were purple and blue and bruised, i grabbed the rope not worrying about what he said.

  "no. wait, wait." he said as i got closer to him with the rope, "oh you don't like to be tied up?" i pouted, i tied him up and put him against the wall then grabbing the walkie.

"you're gonna tell troy to come back. that something is wrong with me, anything that will get him as soon as he can. do you understand?" he remained quiet. "am i talking to the fucking wall?" i shouted as he reacted and shook his head eagerly.

  i grabbed the walkie that rested on the chair he once sat on, "don't try any fuck shit cause if you couldn't tell i am a vampire, i killed wyatt i won't hesitate with you." i finished and he nodded.

i clicked the button on walkie then looked at him as his cue to talk. "boss, come back! now. something is terribly wrong with y/n. her noise is bleeding and she lost all her color in her skin." he said sounding frantic.
troy responded back. "what do you mean she lost the color in her face? we aren't real kidnappers." he said. "I'm on my way now, try to keep her awake." than there was silence and i stood up turning the walkie off.

"are you gonna kill us?" he asked me.
"you'll find out."

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