Part Two - Chapter 7 - Yusei

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What do I say first? I know I have to say something. I can't find the words to say what I want to say, though.

"Yusei," Nova says, a small bite to her voice. "Are you going to try to communicate with me using telepathy or something?"

"No," I reply, staring at the ground. "I'm just trying to think of what to say."

"Here's a thought. Maybe the truth?" She sits cross-legged on the ground, her head leaning back on her runner. "And I don't want an 'I'm sorry.' I've heard enough from you."

"I don't know, then." I run my fingers through my hair, wondering how I should phrase the truth. That's what I want to tell her. I'm just scared that things between us might not change.

"Well, I'm listening. Just say it when you're ready."

"Look, I know you don't want it, but I'm sorry, okay? What happened between me and Akiza?"

"Don't even, Yusei," she snaps. "You kissed her the same way you kissed me that night, and let's be honest, you went a little farther. But here's the thing: after you kissed me, you said you don't kiss your friends like that. So, either you lied, which is a definite possibility, or you don't care, which is also a definite possibility."

"She kissed me first!" I argue.

"And you kissed her back! Without hesitation. You were also practically choking on her tongue!"

I can't say anything. I'm afraid that if I do, my heart will break faster than it's breaking right now. And I only just started picking up the pieces from last time.

"Exactly. You wonder why we don't talk anymore? Because talking is now followed by fighting, just like this. And do you want to know why I'm not accepting your half-assed apologies anymore? Because I came to the life-altering realization that I am way too good for you! You wanna know something else? Karma's a bitch. And it's only a matter of time before she makes you pay your dues. So, I hope getting your side girl was worth it. Maybe when she comes to the realization that you're a bastard, she'll be nicer to you."

"She was never what I wanted! And I also wasn't planning on talking about her!"

"Then why bring her up in the first place?"

"Because," I start, "I don't know. I was trying to say that I get it!"

"What, having your trust shattered by a supposed friend?"

"And how it feels to not know! I've been alone with my thoughts a lot lately. I get how it makes you feel, not knowing what you did. It feels like a part of you is missing. But even though I know what happened while you were a Dark Signer, I still want you, Nova. Not Akiza. You. It's always been you."

"What can you get from me that you can't get from her? At least she fought for good! That's more than I can say for me."

"I get to know that I still have my best friend!"

"You have Crow and Jack! And I'd choose them over you, even though Jack's perfect match is a mirror and Crow makes me want to puke sometimes."

I get what she'd said earlier now. Whenever we talk, we do end up fighting. It happened the night Kalin got arrested. It happened a month ago. It's happening now.

"They're not you," I whisper, crying. I quickly wipe away the tears with the sleeve of my hoodie.

"Right again, Yusei. Because I'm too good for you. Now, do you have anything else you want to say?" she shouts angrily. I can't speak, so I shake my head in reply. "Good. Now do me a favor and disappear." She mounts her duel runner and drives off, blowing dust in my face.

Who I Thought You Were - Yusei Fudo/OC   [COMPLETE]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora