It takes two.

37 3 1

"I'm back!" I yell as I step into the house and start making my way to my room to get the zine when I'm stopped by my brother Mikey and he's holding the goddamn zine. 

"I remember making this you guys stayed up all night just to finish it." He said in a giddy tone. 

"Yeah I remember and you weren't allowed to stay up all night and had to go to bed." I replied with a happier tone since he didnt seem to be mocking me and remembering that night, we were listening to the new misfits' album I had just bought and eating pizza and then when Mikey had to go to bed he had whinged because Frank was younger than he was. Once Mikey had reluctantly gone to bed Frank and I had snuggled up on my bed to watch a marathon of shitty horror films. 

"Yeah ha-ha those were good times, anyway here you go." He said passing me the zine and walking passed me towards the kitchen seemingly to be thinking about something probably back in the times when we made the zine and I still had friends.  

I decided to go and sit under the shade of my apricot tree which had been here since we moved in, I loved it so much that my mum said I could claim it as my own when I was about 12 and so I did by carving my name into the tree and it was still there just a little higher up then I remembered. I sat down and flicked through the pages getting to the last page which was titled contacts I had forgotten about this page the first contact was my own with my old Myspace account (cringe.) and home phone number next was Mikey's which had his old email because at the time mum wouldn't let him get Myspace claiming he was much too young and the same home phone number as me then was Franks and it had his old Myspace page and his old home phone number as well, I wondered if it would still work or not, maybe I should call him we could go out for coffee or something and catch up Mikey could come to so it wouldn't be so awkward he could always manage to keep the conversation going where as I couldn't quite manage to do that all so well. I should probably talk to Mikey first about it before calling him.... Nah the phone number probably won't even work anyway and he doesn't seem to be busy lately I'm sure it will be fine. 

I get up and dust the dirt off my pants and mess up my hair a bit I had recently bleached and cut it short and I was still getting used to not having my eyes covered by a long black fringe. Then I walked inside Mikey was sitting on the couch looking at something on his laptop, I walked passed him to where our home phone was just like when I was in high school I sat on a chair that was next to it and got out a sketch pad I had hidden under the phone so I could mindlessly doodle while on the phone, I would call him from my mobile but it just didn't feel right so instead I started dialling the familiar phone number and waited for someone to pick up after two rings to my surprise someone actually picked up the phone. 

"Hello who's there?" a familiar voice said it was Franks mum Linda who sounded the same as when I last saw her, she and my mum still had coffe regularly. the phone number still worked now I just needed to decide how far I would go to get in contact with Frank.  

"Uh hi Linda it's me Gerard I used to be friends with Frank?" I reply hoping the nervousness didn't show with my voice 

"oh yes he used to talk about you all the time and then you stopped coming over and yeah uh anyway so how is donna?" she asked. Wait he talked about me to his mum well we were close friends I'm sure it was nothing. 

"Shes good same as ever i guess.. umm I was just wondering if frank was there and if i could talk to him?" I asked even more nervous now then I was before. 

"Oh sure I will go get him hang on one second." She said in a cheery voice as if I had just told her she had won a million dollars ok maybe not that happily but pretty happy, then I heard her put down the phone and some footsteps and I knew I shouldn't but I could hear their conversation so I listened to it. 

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