Hatred part 1

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Everybody knew the name of Spiderman in my school. They had posters and fan clubs, and it was unanimously accepted that he was a hero. Everyone loved him. I just could not understand why. He was a crimefighter and saved peoples lives, yes, but at what cost? How much money has to be put into repairing all the damage his fights cost? Not to mention the jobs lost of police officers. Like my dad.

"Dad, i cant believe you broke the car again! How will i get into school?" I sighed, this was the third time this month! "I can't keep being late, I'll lose my scholarship!"
"Im so sorry, you're gonna have to get the bus, Joergen." I groaned. My dad used to be so on top of things, he used to be someone. And now...
"Fine. Please get it fixed soon, or i will shun you." Uwu he said and cried, as i ran off to catch the bus. It was raining and i forgot to bring my umbrella so i got drenched and i felt even more miserable. The bus was so phallic. I dreaded catching it every time, because there were so many dicks that took it. ( haha do u get it! Smash like if u get the joek) i stood at the bus stop and waited. No one else was there waiting, but I kind of wished i had someone to talk to. Just as i thought this I heard a familiar voice. "Joergen! Hey!" I turn around and smile. My childhood friend and neighbour, peter parker. He was the kind of guy you could just talk about anything with. He knew me better than i did. He knew my outs and ins (haha get it smash like if you did), and i knew his. This of course came with many heartbreaks. I had had a crush on him for as long as i could remember and being so close to him meant he told me in great depth about his love life, or lack of one to be more precise. CUNKED, i thought every time. "Hi, pete, whats up?"
"The sky hahah,okokololpolo " he crunkled. I burst out lauguing " bro pete u wildin tho that is not a real up haha" we were such friends!!

When we arrived the school was already busy and bustling with students and people getting ready for the school dance. I blushed, thinking about my dreams of going with pete, and i smiled awkwardly, and glanced over at him. " yo pete are you thinking about going to this?" I ask, but he doesnt say anything. Instead, hes staring over at his latest crush, liz. Now he hadn't told me about her yet, but i had a feeling. I knew him well , and i could tell lately he had been acting strange so i could only assume it was a crush."Pete...?" I nudge him and he falls out of his trance. "Oh! Sorry, i wasn't paying attention..." i sigh. With every crush he had my soul li t er ally died a little more. "Its alright, i get it, shes hot." I joke, and he turns bright red like an literal strawberry. 
"Joergen omg no!!" He exclaims an dgently pushes me away from him. "Itks not like that..." i look at him with disbelief.
"Sure, sure."

The day passed by as usual however I found whenever i looked at peter i was reminded how much i liked him, and how much he did not li ke me . It maed me so sad i wanred to dig a hole and be in it. As rhe last bell rang and i began packing up my books from my last class, i felt a tap tap tap on my shoulder. I whip around and i see the person causing me so much pain today. " hi, joergen, umm..., do u wanna cum walk home w me?" I felt my heart do a 360 no scop. Did he.... did he look embassered to talk to me
."?"  I said . " u-umm... sure?" Litl did i know that was the thin that would change our relationship foreva. 

We left the schūl and i felt really warm in my kokoro. His smile was adorable but i could tell something was a bit off about him. " pe t r....? Is there something u arnt telling me?" He looked at me and i could see the pure fear in his eyes. He quickly averted his orbs and stared at the floor. "U-ummm.... yeah, actually i do." I blushed. What if he was about to confess? "I'm sorry i didn't tell you sooner... you're so special to me joergen i couldnt bear to have u get hurt knowing this secret so i put it off for the longest time. But now i realise that i have to share this secret or i might regret it for the longest time.. joergen.... i .... i.... " BAM CRASH KABLOOEY!!!,!, my ears were ringing and the deafening noise had caused me to fall over in shock, right into peter! I stared into his beautiful hazel oculary orbs in fear. What was that? Before my briancould catch up peter had jumped up and gently pushed me off of him before saying something to me and running away. What did he say...? I icouldnt hear but I thought he had said. "Brb gtg blast"

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