Hatred part 2

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I sat up, and saw the carnage in the street. An explosion!!!? There was fires and smokes and pieces of building  everywhere! My heart was beating like crazy and i felt my muscles tense up. I were terrified. Suddenly i heard the faint sound of gunshots and i glanced up to see three men in black shooting innocent people in the streets. They were holding potato sacs with dollar signs on them! Omg they had stollen from the bank of ameruca!! Why had peter leftme ? I sobbed, suddenly feeling tears run down my face. How could he leave me when i were about to die? I hadnt evenbeen able to tell peter How i felt! Suddenly i heard a SHWEEUOOP and one of the men's guns fell out of his hands, being pulled on by a white rope thingy. ??? I followed the web up to,...... sp id er man?"!!!! Grrr i hated him and yet He seemed so familiar when i saw him in person. He quickly shot webs at the other two men and they fell on the floor crying to their mummies (haha servs them right for going up against daddy famous actor tom holland)   I smiled becuz i felt relieved, but that did not last long as suddenly i heard a crack from above me. THe explosion had caused damage to the building above me and  now a piece of the buildin ead hurtling down towards me! I shrieked in fear and sadness, squeezing my eyes shut ready to welcome death but then? I didnt feel anypain? I look up and see spiderman, holding the piece of building like it weighed nothing at all. " move! Get out of the way, joergen!" A familiar voice ordered,  and i look up in shock. " peter....?" I ask,  eyes wide.
" joergen... please, move out of the way!" I suddenly remembered that i was gonna die and dashed out from under the building as spiderman, or should i say peter, chucked the piece aside. " peter!" I yelled as he made his way over to me. Fire surrounded us and all the onlookers had ran away, and no one was nearby. He took off his mask and my heart stopped beating. It was him. It was my best friend and the person i hated most. I coulrnt believe it and began to cry. " how can this be?" I felt so conflicted.
" joergen please. I should have told you earlier, and i was gonna but... i knew how much you hated spoderman and i couldnt bear to have u hate me, because...... i love you!" What!,!"..
" wha- peter what!? I thought you loved liz!? " he frowned at you, confused.
"Why would you think that?" He stepped towards you and took your hands. " you're the one i want." You looked away from him still unable to accept it.
" b-but... you kept staring at her and you've been acting really weird lately so..."
" joergen... i wasnt looking at her, i was looking at the banners for the dance. I've been acting weird because i've been wanting to ask you to come with me..."
you felt your cheeks burn bright red like a l i t er al strawberry on fire like lava oof ouch,.  This was all happening too fast, your brain couldnt keep up. Suddenly your legs faltered and you found yourself falling towards him, pushing him and leasing you both to fall into a metal box like thing. The momentum of falling into it  made the door of it to slam shut. You were stuck! In an atm!!,

"omg! peter!! no!" I shrieked and shuddered I was literally about to shit and cum right there on the spot. "Peter it's so tight in here!!!!"
Peter gave me a smirk and said "well yes joergen it certainly is rather cosy here in this atm that we have at school"
"Peter you don't understand!! Im too dummy thicc!!!!!!!,,,!"
"agaagahh fuck what's POPPIN" Peter said. I found this confusing as both he and I knew exactly what was poppin - peters suit!!!!!
" U W U " i said in a low growl as Pete's spidey- suit literally ripped off of him and landed on the other side of the atm, revealing his rock hard abs and his rock hard dick.  His dick was pressing into my body and i felt myself suddenly get as wet as niagra falls! ( and not with pee ahahah uwu) my face blushed so hard that i had to press it against the sides of the atm (which were made of metal and therefore had a big likelihood of being cool as in general, metals feel colder or hotter to the touch than other materials at the same temperature because they're good thermal conductors. This means they easily transfer heat to colder objects or absorb heat from warmer objects. Your skin can't actually detect the temperature of other objects—it only senses its own temperature. When you touch a piece of metal that is colder than your hand, your fingers rapidly lose heat and feel cold—and the opposite happens when you touch metal that is hotter than your hand. Thermal insulators like plastic and wood ( uwu ) don't transfer heat as easily. Some metals may also get hotter faster compared to other materials. Metals tend to have a small specific heat capacity, which is a measure of how much energy needs to be added to a material to raise its temperature by 1 degree. A material with a smaller heat capacity will reach a higher temperature after the same amount of energy is added compared to a material with a larger heat capacity. Polyethylene, a common plastic, has more than twice the heat capacity of most metals. Water also has a very large heat capacity.) I stared into peters orbs, and my heart was beating like craZ! " omg joergen! Im sorry my suit did that it was probably one of functions that tony starch put in to help me get laid !

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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