Questions and (some) Answers

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Roman knocked on the door to his grandmother's house. She opened the door and smiled brightly.

"Roman!" She hugged him then ushered them all inside. "I made some cookies. Would you want some?"

"Thank you," Patton stuffed a cookie into his mouth while grabbing another.

"Why the sudden visit, Roman?" Mary asked. "I don't mind, but I am curious."

"As are we," Logan spoke up. He looked at Roman to explain.

"I found some letters and one of them mentioned you. The letters were to Emily."

"Emily? As in my mother?" Mary sighed. "She only wrote letters to one person."

"Someone named 'V'?" Roman asked. His grandmother nodded. "We were hoping you could tell us more about him?"

"I don't have much to tell I'm afraid. My mother talked of a friend but she gave no names. She was scared someone would learn his name and go hunt him down. She told me he wasn't a criminal just someone who was different and misunderstood."

"Did she explain how he was different?" Logan questioned.

"No. I think he did stop by when Mother first passed though, and I'm pretty sure he was at her funeral."

"Really?" Patton grabbed a couple more cookies from the plate.

"I was fifteen when Mom died. A couple days later a kid about my age, maybe a year older came knocking on the door and asked about my mom. After I told him that she had died he came back the next day begging me to somehow get a letter to her. I saw the same kid standing a distance away from everyone at the burial. A couple minutes after I noticed him I turned back and he was gone."

"Have you read the letters?" Roman asked. "I have them with me, maybe you know more about him without realizing it."

"I've read a few and I knew that Mom and this kid was super close growing up. Her dad didn't approve though."

"It mentioned that in the letters." Logan said.

"Do you want to read the letter we found yesterday. It wasn't opened when we found it."

"I didn't bother reading that one because it was right after Mom died and I didn't know who the kid was."

"Did he say anything to you when he dropped off the letter?" Logan asked.

"He asked me if Emily was home when I told him the news he looked heartbroken. He asked if I would be able to send a letter to her. At first I denied but he looked so sad that I finally told him I was somehow manage. After thanking me, he said he would be back and then left. A couple days later he returned as promised and handed me a sealed envelope." She sighed recalling the memory.

Roman handed Mary the letter and she read it.

"He's...he's looking for the letters?" She said. Roman nodded. "Is this why you are looking for him?"

"Well, at first we were wondering who he was. Now maybe we should find him and get the letters to him. He sounded like he really liked Emily."

"We came here to see if you knew him or had any idea who he is." Logan spoke up.

"I wish you the best in finding him. I can't guarantee you will. Based on the letters and my mom he's been on the run for most of his life. He may be excellent at hiding."

"I hadn't thought of that," Roman pouted. "What if we never find him?"

"Don't say that Roman? Of course we will. As long as we keep trying." Patton piped up.

"We can try looking in the library archives for news articles that don't seem normal," Logan added.

Roman perked up. "Good idea!"

"It's getting late. You three better get home," Mary told them. They all stood.

"Bye, thanks for letting us come hang out and thanks for the cookies." Patton smiled.

"Thank you for the information." Logan stated straightening his glasses.

"Bye Grandma," Roman hugged the older lady. "and thanks."

She waved at them as they headed down the street.


After the boys were gone Mary opened her contacts, trying to find a certain number. A number she hasn't used in a long time.

The person on the other end pick up after a few rings "Hello?"

"My grandson came over. He had some letters."

"And?" The person on the end of the line was getting impatient.

"They were from 'V'," She said.

"The same one we're looking for?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm sure of it. Mentioned my mother in the letters and everything."

"We need to keep an eye on this boy."

"He also brought his friends."

"Did you get their names?"

"I did not." She sighed.

"Hm," The person on the other end sat in thought for a moment. "Maybe, they can help us."

"What do you mean?" She asked him.

"They'll continue to do research, I'm sure of it."

"Yeah, they mentioned it."

"We'll let them pave the way and we'll follow. When they are close to finding him, they'll most likely come to you."

"What do you want me to do?" Mary asked.

"Get as much information as you can and then we'll go get 'V' before your grandson and his friends has a chance to."

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