School & Thanks

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I'm starting a new school next week this year.

I don't know whether they will give us loads of homework, or something I can complete in a flash. My best friend's brother used to attend this school and he said there was little work.

But.... I still need time to learn the new ways of this school and to get adjusted.

So the day before school starts I'll give you all a warning that an unexpected and unannounced hiatus may take place, to give me enough time to adjust.

While adjusting, I may update certain stories once or twice in two weeks.

But thank you! My other best friend showed me this app and she said I should continue writing my Carla story on here. Back then, the story was called "The Carla & Marla Story' and was written in a blue unicorn notebook with a black gel pen.

I completely changed the plotline, renamed it "Ink Black" and started writing.

I originally only had around 10 views, which I knew was not a lot but it was like the world to me, when only my 3 closest friend had read it before.

And then suddenly, a person followed me, and BOOM.

I woke up on a normal day, checked Wattpad, and there was Ink Black with around 36 reads. Feeling light and full of happiness, I checked the story every few hours, and each time it increased, 45, 53, 63....!

I felt so happy that day.

Thanks for taking Ink Black so far. I know it isn't THAT far, but compared to 10 reads it's freaking amazing to me.

Ever since those reads I starting writing more in the Harry Potter fanfiction area, my main fandom. I recommend you check them out.

Thank you for understanding and taking me so far

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