Car Accident: Girl Gets Discouraged!

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Okay, one of my biggest pet peeves are to find a thing or someone that will prevent me to pursue my dreams and try to be those people who are like 'I didn't study for the test!' - automatic A+. Me? Dropping out. So, nope. And hello this is not happening, it was a horrible sight. Car Accident: Girl Gets Discouraged! If I can't go to Oxford on time, I couldn't get the best of the best! Ugh. 

I went out of the car and my mom followed along. I got near the scene. I told the police that I would like to get a closer look, surprisingly they agreed and I went to the person that was ALMOST dead - no bruises, no scratches, no blood, ironic. 

"Hi, are you okay?" I helped the person up.

"Thanks...why are you helping me?" he looked at me suspiciously. 

"Sir, I am very sorry but I do not mind helping people, are we clear?" I looked at him coldly and with a little symphaty in the corner of my eye.

"Cyrstal," he smiled, I frowned. "Okay, thanks. I appreciate it."

"No problem," he went off, just like that. I walk toward mom and she has her mouth opened, wide. 

"Sam, you helped him?" 

"Yeah, why?"

"Didn't you see his big blue eyes! They're so adorable!" she beamed, I snorted.

"Mom, I never pay attention to details. And now, if you want to spend the the whole time actually talking about some other dude that I don't even know? Your daughter's future will be destroyed. So, unless you want me late, it's fine by me: parents know what's best."

"Slow down. Slow down. Of course we are going to go, like, right now." 

"Okay, but I don't want you to get me annoyed by some guy that we met on the toll road mom. We don't even know him."

"Then, why on earth did you help him?"

"You know I like helping," she cupped her chin in his hand, thinking. 

"Well, you do, but, why now?"

"It's a car accident mom," I was looking at her like she was insane, she doesn't care? Wow. 

"Okay, okay. You win this debate."

"What? Wait. Are you?"

"Yes, I am. And do not question me, debate training is important honey, once you get to college and continue on your university career, you will get debates - especially when your goal is to be a business women in the future. It is hard. Some times argument takes part sweetheart."

"Well, thanks. I appreciate it mom, I really do. Even though I don't like you trying to test me in every different shapes and sizes, it's still worth it, and, hey: Touche!"

"Hahaha...," we smiled and mom continued on driving. I can see cars around and my mom's eyes twinkling, that's the last thing that I remembered.


"Sam, wake up, we're here...," I opened my eyes, rubbing them. Then my head snapped in surprise, I thought I didn't make it to the station, phew. Girl's On Her Way to Uni-Dom! I smiled at mom, we hugged each other very tightly. We started crying.

"Even though you're wearing something ridiculous, you are still my mom."

"You are still my daughter even though you doubt me." 

"Thank you mom!" I wiped my tears, and so did she. 

"Sam, you do know that you're not going alone, don't you?"


"Yeah, I IM-ed you the other day, must've not responded or contrary."

"Then, who am I going with?"


"Aunt Marice?"



"Neigh, neigh!"


"Your crush dude! Your crush!" I knew I was stunned. I knew I was shaking, WHAT?!

"I know, I know, but he's going to accompany you!"

"How on earth do you know Thomas?" 

"He's my best friend's son, well, he agreed on accompanying you!"

"Okay, mom, this. Is. FREAKY."

"Hello ladies," Thomas went toward us, my mom pushed me, I almost bumped into him, luckily didn't. She went off before I evne get to say good-bye, UGH! 

"Hi Thomas." I grunted. 

"Wow, you are a natural."

"In what?" I kind of frowned, but a weak smile planted on my mouth instantly.

"Well, introduction and saying 'hi Thomas' is awesome. Most people don't say my name straight away.  I think we won't have any trouble of getting used to each other," he winked. Thomas's right hand intertwined with mine. "Let's go, you have to be excited, a lot of things are awesome in Oxford!" He gave an encouraging smile, I smiled back. And we went into the train and gave our tickets. 

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