Chapter 2:

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Emilee's POV:

Me and Maisie and Ellie were having a girly day seeing as the boys were at band practise.

"OMG Ellie this hot chocolate is to die for" said Maisie giggling..

"I know right" I say as the hot substance trickles down my throat. we were having a seriously comfy day today. I was wearing grey comfy skinny sweat pants Luke's teenage ninja turtle top and his red flannel.

Suddenly Ellie's silver iPhone 6 buzzed. she looked at the caller ID and it said "ash" with a red heart. I google at her little excitement phase she gets as she answers facetime.

"Heya baby cakes" says Ashton waving at ellie.

"Ugh hello prego girl and her bestfriend here" Maisie shouts as Ashton and Ellie have a little who loves who most fight. I giggle at her joke. Ellie turns the camera so it shows is all.

"Heya ash" I smile.

"Hey ashton" says Maisie smiling.

"Hey girls how's my niece?" asks Ashton.

"She's fine" I laugh. once we all finish we sit down and watch mean girls.

----45 mins into the film----

We were watching the film and were laughing and joking. when suddenly I feel something...wet? underneath me. I get up and look at the sofa to see a wet patch.

"Emilee? are you ok sweetie?" asks Maisie.

"Emilee?" asks Ellie worried. suddenly my eyes widen and a pain shoots from the top of my body down into my lower stomach.

"AHHHHHH CRAP OW AHHHH!" I scream and fall to my knees and clench my stomach.

"EMILEE WHATS WRONG" Ellie shouts. I can't ell but cry my eyes out and clench my lower stomach.

"M-Maisie grab my h-h-hospital bag" I stutter panting heavily.

"Labour bag?" Ellie questions.

"Shit!! Emilee is going into labour!!" shouts Maisie running to grab my bag. Ellie helps me up onto my feet and sits me on the couch.

"Breathe Emilee breathe" Ellie soothes as I pant heavily.

"G-give me m-my p-phone" I manage to say. Ellie grabs my black iPhone 5s and hands it to me. I ring Luke's number but it goes straight to answer phone he just of turned it off for band prac. I call michael.

*ring ring ring* ( E is Emilee M is Michael)

M: Emilee hey you ok?

E: no Michael I'm not!!! I pant

M: what? what's wrong?

E: I'm going into labour meet me at the hospital baby Hemmings wants out!! I scream down the phone and then it goes dead I think Michael got the message seeing as he put the phone down.

"Maisie quick we will take your car help Emilee to the car and I'll take her bag" says Ellie. Maisie helps me to the car and I put my seat belt on and continue to pant. Ellie jumps in the back with my bag.

"DRIVE!" Ellie shouts.

"HURRY!" I shout. I continue to pant. this baby is coming. and it wants out!

Authors note----> so she's in labour oh MER GERD I hope yor enjoying it plz recommend and vote thanks byeee xxx

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