Chapter 36:

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Emilee's POV:
"Come on baby where are you?" I whisper to myself tears streaming down my face we had been searching the abandoned warehouse for almost an hot now and I still can't find grace.
Morgan went left I went right and Luke went straight forward.
"Come on Gracey come to mama" I whisper the hot tears tumbling down my face. I carry on to creep through the the rickety corridors.
my all black converse squeaking as I move. I check in every room every cupboard but I can't find her.
I head upstairs to the lat floor.
"You have got to be here" I whisper. I head into the main room.
"Grace?" I whisper sniffling back my tears.
"AHH emilee babe you decided to join us after all" Alex speaks coldly and laughing evils behind me.
"Alex I swear to god you will not see the light if day again if you don't give me my daughter where is she?!" I scream. tears streaming down my face like waterfalls.
"Oh of course you mean this little darling" he says coldly and pushes grace to the floor into the light. her blonde hair is tangled her little day dress is ripped and her perfectly patent shows are scuffed and she has cuts and bruises. she has a tag in her mount and her hand and feet are tied behind her back. she lies helplessly on te floor.
"GRACE?!" I shout I move closer I her.
"Don't move any closer or I will pull the trigger" Alex says veiling smiling pointing a gun at graces body.
"Alex please don't do this she's just a child" I cry.
"Well that's just tough isn't it?" He says and gets ready to shoot.
Suddenly Luke and Morgan barge through the door.
"Alex" Morgan grunts through gritted teeth.
"Oh my god grace my poor baby you will pay for this you little dick head" like says aggressively through gritted teeth.
"Well look here then it's the lovers emilee and Luke aha I couldn't wait to meet you" Alex laughs.
"I mean once I heard emilee was in the area and that she had a new life I just felt the need to ruin it" he laughs again evily.
"How could you do this to her Alex she dosent deserve it" Morgan shouts.
"Well when someone doesn't deserve it, it makes it a whole lot more fun" he points the fun towards grace.
"NO!" Luke shouts and jumps in front of grace.
Everything went in slow motion. everything just seemed to slow down. Alex ran for it as soon as the gun was shot. Morgan raced to my side.
"NOOOOO" I scream and everything stars to speed up again.
I run to Luke's side I pull him up off of grace I see that grace is ok so I pick her up and give her to Morgan to calm her down.
"Luke no no no no Luke your going to be ok I p-promise oh my god!" Tears streaming down my face. like had been shot in the hip.
"E-Emilee I'm so s-sorry" he pants.
"No Luke you saved grace you've been shot in the hip don't worry your going to be ok" I lift up his head and put it against my chest.
"Feel my heart luke feel it, it beats for you it beats because of you" I cry I feel his slowing breath on my chest.
"You can't leave Luke cos when you leave my heart will stop ok you can't leave!" I pant tears falling rapidly.
"E-emilee I just a-want you to know I love you d-don't ever forget that" he breathes.
"I love you to luke forever and always" I say.
"Ambulance is in it's way" Morgan pangs and I nod slowly.
lukes readying begins to get slower and slower.
"No Luke come on come on" I say panting. he has the strength to intertwine our trembling fingers. he opens his eyes just a crack and whispers.
"Don't forget me yeah?" That does it. I cry uncontrollably as j feel Luke's hand lose it's grip and fall to the floor. The. The medics come in and they lift him on the stretcher and take him away. I no longer felt a breath a touch or a heart beat...
Authors note----> wow that was as to write oh my god :( :( :( :( but don't worry it's not ending you all don't forget to recommend and vote byeee xxx

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